in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)


Worldwide, organizations constantly confront the need to improve their performance to strengthen competitiveness and sustain themselves optimally in the market. In today's XXI century society, characterized by continuous paradigm shifts and the accelerated development of technology, companies and their individuals are driven to develop management processes that generate mechanisms ofadaptation or technological innovation to promote continuous improvement of the quality and performance of its employees.

In response to these changes, the need has arisen in organizations to respond to the competitive demands of the environment, making it necessary to privilege some specific areas of work such as, the emphasis on aspects related to user service, the approach to teamwork, the development of creativity, the importance of leadership and communication.

Edited image

If we consider Goleman's theory we can define the concept of Emotional Intelligence as:

The ability to motivate ourselves, be able to control impulses, improve self-knowledge, control emotions and our moods.The theory of emotional intelligence, according to Goleman (1996) is a tool to develop leadership-related skills, where it is very important to know how to cultivate relationships, maintain friendships, resolve conflicts, understand others, work cooperatively with others. These social skills show why many people with high academic abilities end up in the staff of others with Less gifts of this kind. To achieve success, intellectual or academic excellence, or technical capacity is not enough, other skills such as initiative, optimism, flexibility, adaptability, communication and inter-personal relationships are needed.

The concept of "social intelligence" was first used by psychologist Edward Thorndike in 1920, when he wrote an article that highlighted the importance of interpersonal relationships.

He wrote this for almost 100 years: "The lack of social intelligence can make the best of the mechanics of a factory the worst of the foremen." Today that idea is still valid.

In schools we learn knowledge related to writing, reading, biology, physics, mathematics, drawing, among others. But unfortunately we don't work on emotions, tolerance, impulse control, empathy or assertiveness. As well as subjects that are called trust to the group, support for others, active listening, skills to defend one's rights or negotiation are not taught. Aspects that refer to social intelligence. That on the other hand, both one and the other are necessary for life and essential to achieve well-being and success throughout our lives.

The fundamental difference between Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence is that the first refers to aspects related to the ability to interact and understand others and the second to the ability to know oneself, recognize a feeling and possess social skills.

When we talk about emotional intelligence, we talk about the individual's ability to identify their own emotional state and manage it properly. Emotional intelligence allows us to become aware of our emotions and understand the feelings of others, to adopt an empathic and social attitude, which will give us greater possibilities for personal development.

We must be aware that we can never achieve a vision alone, that each organization, whatever it is, needs feedback, between what it is and who will arrive.

"The problems cannot be solved within the microsocial scope of organizations, but it is necessary to address them in the wider context of society as a whole"

If we are building an impact social network, then the pillar of that network is simply: society.
But society is made up of communities, and each community has a viison, an objective and an end, that unifying it with the global vision of the organization acts as a whole, in these cases the synergy between the parties is of vital importance.


Among the requirements is the political decision, which is expressed through a strategy of the organization for the fulfillment of its social responsibility, directed towards internal and external.

Fauvet and Statefani (1983) Begin by pointing out that the ways in which individuals relate to each other are based on three types of needs: to receive, to exchange and to give. Those who put themselves in a position to receive demand protection and security.

The need for exchange emanates from the human condition, which drives us to be recognized as interlocutors, accepted as equal and as different in the framework of parity relations.

The need to give itself demonstrates the vocation of the individual for being useful and for participating in the construction of a collective project aimed at the common good.

On the other hand, the management of government oriented towards the search for the common good can be assigned three functions, related in turn to each of these needs and to the constituent interests of the knowledge of having more.

a.-The elementary synergy function:

It is related to the need to receive. It promotes joint work with others and the coordination of actions to control and manipulate the environment

b.-the regulation function:

It has to do with the need to harmonize the satisfaction of private welfare. It is based on the needs of exchange and is satisfied with the meeting with other talking and acting subjects.

c.-the transcendence function:

It is determinant of a superior and historical vocation, constitutive of an ethical and social project.

It is related to the need to give oneself and assumes the subject's ability to emancipate itself from objective social and ideological constraints, through self-reflection.

The social intelligence of an organization must be expressed explicitly or implicitly in an axiological framework that prioritizes the values of solidarity and equity and in the strategies and policies, structures and processes, practices and systems that transform these values into action.

That is why the purpose of @steemchurch's social work is to analyze how an organization, community for profit, nonprofit meets the needs of its own members and those of its immediate community members. ( developers, investors, common people, writers, etc.)

The vast majority of the problems that arise in organizations have their roots in an absence of social intelligence, from an unmotivated user because their superior exerts an overly autocratic leadership style to a failure in the assembly line caused by a lack of communication between the professionals.

Until relatively recently, the idea that emotions should stay outside organizations prevailed. However, studies and research have shown that the key to an organization's success lies in proper emotional management towards human capital, which requires the development of social intelligence in the organization.



Dee Hoock founder of the Visa Credit Card coined the term "Caordic Organization" to refer to "a self-organized, adaptive and complex system, whose behavior shows at the same time characteristics of chaos and order, competition and cooperation.

The design of a "Caórdica Organization" has 6 dimensions:

1.- Purpose

Identify and link the community, justifying the commitment and personal effort of all its members.

2.- Principles

The aspirations of the community regarding behavior have a high degree of moral content that guides the behavior.

3.- people

They are all affected individuals and interest groups that should participate in the organization for the construction of the purpose in accordance with the principles.

4.- Organizational Concept

It must be an innovative organization that everyone can consider fair, equitable and effective for all participants.

5.- Constitution

A document stipulating the rights, obligations and relationships between all participants.

6.- Practice

The deliberations, decisions and actions of all community participants in pursuit of the common purpose, according to the principles.

There are many theories ideas and opinions about Social Intelligence, however they are not enough to succeed in life. It is necessary that vital experience acquired day by day through of observation and reflection.
The personal attitude is decisive. Success or failure depends on the attitude we take towards life and people. Life is a process of action and reaction. Every action that We perform generates consequences. What we are today is the result of the decisions we have made throughout our lives and tomorrow we will be the result of the decisions that
let's take from today. Life is like a mirror, it gives us back our own image.

How social intelligence skills adapt to the emotional intelligence model.

The art of establishing good relationships with others is, to a large extent, the ability to manage the emotions of others. Social competence and the skills it entails are the basis of leadership, popularity and interpersonal efficiency. People who master these social skills are able to interact smoothly and effectively with others.

“Perhaps many years ago, someone alone at home could build something and, from there, make a future; Today, the issue of teamwork is key to the development of large projects; so, if today you want to grow, if today you want to stand out, you need to have partners, you need to have bosses that buy your dream and help you "

Everywhere we can find the application of social intelligence in each area, Jerry Maguire is a good example of marketing applied to a small business, and also of the importance of cultivating a good social environment. "The important thing is not what you know, but who you know" would be a good slogan to define the film.

Jerry (Tom Cruise) is a sports agent who, due to a dispute, ends up losing all his clients except the receiver Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr). From there the film recounts the efforts of both to meet their economic and professional needs, and demonstrates that affection does not necessarily have to be at odds with both.

The interpretation of its actors, the good examples of emotional communication and the social message it hides make Jerry Maguire an excellent recommendation for those interested in social skills in general.


No human being can give us freedom. Freedom is a personal conquest; born from within and is the result of the development of our relationship with God.The free man does not waste time in criticizing or destroying old structures; He uses his intelligence and energy to build a new world, aware that the greatest powers are truth, justice and love. Barbarism is often imposed, but in the end, only truth, justice and love survive.

However, "Men are born free, but chained people are everywhere"

J.J. Rousseau

The most important thing to be free is to know the truth and the good; That's why quality education is so important. Today we talk more than ever about rights and freedoms and little improvement, of commitment and responsibility. We confuse freedom with debauchery, consequently, instincts rule over reason, selfishness over love, corruption over honesty and Violence over peace. And where can we find this absolute truth ?: In the example of the life of JESUS !!

The children of freedom are formed in homes that work well. Where parents transmit to their children: respect, love and trust, and stimulate self-esteem, dignity, the spirit of self-improvement, honesty, creativity and the love of freedom.
"Only the children of freedom can be the parents of future free generations"
The road to freedom is slow as growth. It is utopian to believe that freedom is within reach and that it can be achieved with a stroke of luck. Freedom, like him development, that experience or happiness, is the coronation of a life presided by intelligence and responsibility.

"If you are free inside, you will find freedom wherever you go, but if you are not free inside, do not look for it anywhere, because you will not find it, because it is the word, that will sow the seed that will bring freedom to the lives "


We have been consolidating the church, we know that we are on the right track but with a lot of work ahead, we thank all those leaders and brothers who are placing all their effort in this time of construction, fidelity to the work of God brings divine rewards, This road is being cleaned, meanwhile we can not stop focusing on our vision, social projects and expansion to Telos.

Project proposals have been received and several alternatives are being analyzed. Venezuela is a blessed community that has served as an example in this time of work and perseverance, we have several communities organized working together to achieve common goals.

The social projection of the parishes with the mother church will be established with the BREAD FROM HEAVEN project as integral training of children and families, incorporating ourselves to the global hunger zero challenge. Technology has a lot to contribute in this sense, and reach the communities to Through education, health, nutrition, sustainable agriculture, it will take the church to a new level. Hunger and malnutrition make people less productive and more prone to diseases, so that They are not usually able to increase their income and improve their livelihoods. There are almost 800 million people who they are hungry all over the world, the vast majority in Developing countries. The blockchain is a revolution that reaches everyone, and we must make the most of it.

What can we do to help?
Changes can be made in everyday life - at home, in work and in the community-, supporting farmers or
local markets and making sustainable decisions on the feeding, supporting good nutrition for all and struggling
against the waste of food.


Work together
Ensure effective citizen participation, improve coordination mechanisms, facilitate dialogue.

Reduce the costs of malnutrition
Improve access to nutrition and nutrition education, protect children and ensure that adults have what they need to live healthy and productive lives.

Partner with the academic field
Build strategic alliances with academic institutions and research, generating information to face the challenges of life.


We thank all those people who have contributed to our community to grow @pennsif, @luppers, @redes, @hanshotfirst, @theycallmedan, @redpalestino, @wilx, @curatorhulk, @ripperone,@penguinpablo,@newhope.


Social intelligence and commercial marketing
The importance of social intelligence in the organization.
Action plan based on social intelligence.

Reference:"La inteligencia Social" . Leonardo Schvarstein

Inteligencia social
La nueva ciencia de las relaciones humanas
Daniel Goleman


Each time you support with some delegation you will be collaborating with the feeding, education of thousands of children, the restoration of the family, and the promotion of blockchain technology in the world.

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People of high social intelligence are magnetic, because the people who deal with them feel beneficially fed by the encounter.

Social intelligence leads to active participation in all sectors of society, labor, recreational, cultural, sports, political or educational; it allows to be interested not only in the work itself but also in the progress of the company where services are provided; feel good in the place where you live; be curious about the personal past and the history of the country where you live; teamwork; collaborate to improve the world; be supportive; see others as brothers and not as enemies; stand out in what is known to do to contribute to the common project valuing the participation of others and not believe it essential.

Social intelligence is what allows us to take the other into account and not be guided solely by our personal interest; it is the one that diminishes our desire for power, the one that makes us more supportive and the one that makes it easier for us to integrate into a group.Thanks Apostle Darlenys!!

It is an innate ability of all human beings but it is necessary to develop to achieve a better coexistence and a good quality of life.

When we are born, our survival depends mainly on the treatment and care provided by our mother; Not only do we need food and attention, we also have a great need for affection and proximity and that first form of relationship will be the one that will largely condition our future relationships.

“The ability to behave with skill in a range of social situations - talk with the boss, participate in a meeting, make a presentation to a group, share experiences with the spouse or partner, present a job interview - entails certain depth and breadth of vital wisdom, a deep knowledge of one's own culture - and, possibly, of others -, the accumulated knowledge that comes from the constant observation and learning of what works and what does not work in human situations.


In order to develop emotional intelligence, one must feel part of the whole and not a separate individual; worry about those around you as much as yourself, feel responsible and be available when necessary.

You act with social intelligence when you learn to listen, when you stop criticizing and accept others as they are because you can understand what they think and feel.

Emotional intelligence reduces the generation gap because it unites people and does not allow discrimination; It means that the person can be up to any interlocutor, whoever he is, with respect and without prejudice and can learn from him.

The widespread emotional intelligence was called, in its origins, social. This work rescues that original sense and proposes answers to the challenge posed by the social issue at the dawn of the new millennium, particularly in Latin America: poverty, unemployment, exclusion. Faced with the retraction of the State imposed by neoliberal policies, the exercise of social responsibility of organizations sets up a contribution that must be valued. The book defines the concept of social intelligence as the ability to generate and develop the skills necessary for the effective exercise of such responsibility.

The concept of intelligence encompasses a set of skills (learning, memory, information storage, selective perception, social skills, etc.) that allows human beings to adapt to the world around them and solve their problems effectively.

Very interesting study on social and emotional intelligence with the social projection of the main objective of @Steemchurch.

That is why the purpose of @ steemchurch's social work is to analyze how an organization, a for-profit and non-profit community meets the needs of its own members and those of its immediate community members. (developers, investors, common people, writers, etc.)

excellent strategies and tactics handle, God bless you.

God bless you, give you more wisdom

God bless you, go ahead

Thanks for all your efforts for the kingdom

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