As Christians it is of great importance that we obey the words of God as they are revealed to us. I mean that as christians we believe that His word is complete and holds all of the answers that we seek. But sometimes those answers aren't clear because of our present capacity to understand not because the word is incomplete.
So I raise the question, should christians eat un-clean foods?
Now before getting started I have 3 rules you must follow.
- Examine this topic with as little bias as possible.
- Be honest with yourself and in your comments.
- Be kind and gentle with your words.
Now to define un-clean foods I will ask that you read Leviticus chapter 11 to save 1s and 0s. Lol
Now I think we can all agree that if God gave us a law we should keep that law until God says ok you can stop keeping that law now. Did God give that order? Did Christ give the order?
For the most part I am sure that most Christians will say that Christ declared all food clean or when he died on the cross the "old law" was done away with.
But when I hear that I hear "Christ died so that we can disobey Gods law and still be safe from Gods judgement.
My question to those who would say that is are you sure? And they would then say to me yes read Matthew 15:11 or Mark 7:15.
My reply is please re-read Matthew 15:2 and Mark 7:5.
You see the pharisees and Scribes were accusing Christ of not teaching and expecting his deciples to keep the traditions of the elders, which is to eat with clean hands. Immediatly Christ began to rebuke them for there breaking of the laws of God and pointing out to them that it isn't what goes into the mouth but what comes from the heart that defiles. He was trying to get them to examine themselves.
My conclusion is this wasn't a conversation of what foods are clean or un-clean, this was a conversation of keeping the traditions of the elders.
Then others would say read Acts 10:9-16.
But my reply? Read Acts 10:28
In Acts 10:28 Peter clearly says that the vision was God showing him that all men were to recieve the gospel for Christ have opend the door to all mankind not just for Jews. This vision had nothing to do with what foods we could now eat. Peter before understanding the vision clearly fought against the idea of eating un-clean foods. And if his vision was God showing him that all foods were acceptable to eat why didn't peter throw a big barbeque with pork chops as the main course? Because that wasn't what his vision was about.
The fact of the matter is Christ did not come to change, alter, or do away with the law. He came to be our example as to how to live, understand, and fulfill the law of our Mighty God.
Matthew 5 17-20
Romans 3:31
In the day of judgement there is a standard which we will all be judged so I leave you with this:
Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Master, Master,’ shall enter into the reign of the heavens, but he who is doing the desire of My Father in the heavens.
22 “Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your Name?’
23 “And then I shall declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me, you who work lawlessness!'
My hope is not to cause confusion or strife but to spark a fire of seeking and one that will burn up all traditions of men to make room for the commandments of God.
Be blessed and I urge you to seek truth in His word and not in men.
We can eat whatever foods we want to eat.
(Mark 7:17-19 NIV) After he had left the crowd and entered the house, his disciples asked him about this parable. {18} "Are you so dull?" he asked. "Don't you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him 'unclean'? {19} For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.")
We don't have to follow the Old Testament dietary laws any more than we have to provide animal sacrifices for our sins.
I hear your argument but you do understand that Christ was speaking of matters of the heart. He was not arguing the Laws of God he was arguing TRADITIONS OF MEN and 2nd they are not the Old Testament dietary laws they are The Laws of God. And I agree we do not have to sacrifice animals for sin because that is what Christ did on the cross He died for our sins because we transgressed the Law He took our penalty upon himself. But He didn't take the penalty upon himself so that we could then go and trangress the law without penalty. Rom3:31, 1John5:3 Also please understand that (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.") is not scripture and was add as commentary.
But I am not here to persuade anyone, if I wanted to I couldn't because that isn't my job it is for the Holy Spirit to do.
And each man should including myself take Philippians 2:12 very serious.
Sir Agree ...with Picture of Unclean Food
Thank you my friend.. Glad you stopped by my page!!!!!
I replied at FB...please see
Great post really like it and upvoted.
keep it up @strugglingdiy
Thank you for the support. I have another coming soon that will test another belief. Stay tuned. @fahad290
Interesting, I need to dig deeper into this topic now, my initial response was Acts 10: 9-16. Peter says in Acts 10:24 28 He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean. But as you mentioned this was a tradition of the Jews, God did not forbid association with Gentiles. However my question is why would God use such a vision in the first place? Wouldn't it cause confusion if its not allowed, would seem like God is sort of setting his Children up for failure which I know He does not do.
Thanks for the post, following!
First let me say you are a truth seeker and that is refreshing to me as many will not let go of assumptions as you have and stand on the facts in the word. Now obviously I cant speak for the Father on why He chose this method but i think He chose this method because He knew how serious of an offense this would be to eat something unclean and as you can see Peter was against doing so. I think 5he Fathee knew Peter would battle it until he figured it out but he didnt have to wait long because the "unclean men" according to mans tradition at that time were on there way to find Peter. Now with the "unclean men" testimoney to Peter it was clear to him what his own vision meant. Keep reading and Peter tells to an assembly of Jews what his vision meant. But i give you props because most people assume that Jews not being able to assemble with gentles was law from God and now God is changing his own law which would make all of His laws now breakable but God is not a man that He should studder or sway back and forth with His words He says it today and it is forever True. Thank you so much for stopping by it was a real pleasure!