My mom used to tell me, when I was a kid, that those who don't have parents in the house find them on the street; And it's true. If in the house they do not teach you the simplest of manners and respect for the other, from school to the forward, you find who, good or bad, place the limits on you.
We talk a lot about humility and I suspect that deep down we don't know exactly what it is to be humble. When we are born, if we are fortunate because there are those who are not, the love of the fathers makes us believe the last soda of the desert. The world spins for and for us. We're beautiful, funny and smart.
We come to believe that we are perfect and in what we do we believe that to take advantage in the world as the world works today, is to step on the other, to run over it if that is the case. To be the florid narrator of the story itself in which, of course, I am the best, the greatest, the only and those who are by my side poor them, do not give me by the ankle.
And that's where life comes from and like a tsunami runs you over, it knocks you down, wraps you up and painfully puts you in your position.
You're valuable. God made you so and surely also talented, but you have flaws, limitations and small things. You're not unique and there's always one better than you. Someone, or something that comes into your life to be your teacher and teach you that there are limits. There are people who, while not better, are sometimes those who wield power and close you, push you away, shut you up, shut you down, hide you, and with deep affliction you must accept that reality.
You are not more or less than the others, you have a place in the world that you must know how to find, accept and value and from there recognize the one who is better, more powerful or stronger because those are the limits that will allow you to move. Recognize you as a beloved child of God who has virtues, but also flaws, who is talented but not at all. He has a sense of humor, but he's not the funniest, which is good but not holy. Only in this way, by calibrating your goodness and recognizing your evils, do you begin to know what humility really is.
I once heard this: Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less.
I hope the nuance comes across. Thank you @tatorey
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Thanks to you for your valuable observation friend @reonlouw