SteemChurch:Concrete Reasons Not to Abort - According to the Bible !!

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Abortion is a well-worn issue within the Christian community. Nobody likes to talk about the subject, and even many are not aware of all this. Without knowing that this issue is of the utmost importance, in order to help someone, in the face of their prevention. In this article we will give reasons not to abort, according to the bible. But the reasons for abortion, which some women take, few actually know. For the people, to whom this idea, goes through their heads they say they have many reasons and reasons to take, such a heinous decision.

The truth is that there will never be valid reasons to take the life of someone innocent. In the bible, there are many verses, which mention the right to life, but also speak of a free will, which is what often allows people to do so many acts of evil, such as abortion. Next we will be, mentioning those biblical reasons, why abortion should not be performed, and is not well seen by God. Although many times by society, this is taken as something normal.


Abortion: psychological and spiritual consequences on women.
Jeremiah 1: 5

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you, I put you as a prophet of the nations Jeremiah 1: 5

The world organization of health, raises about induced abortion as a response to the result of maneuvers practiced in order to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy. Whose maneuvers can be practiced both by the pregnant woman and by another person who is with her. With regard to the health of the psychological and spiritual woman, it is affected by the mechanism of these maneuvers, which lead to abortion.

Psychological and spiritual behaviors will be affected in the woman for the rest of her life. Although the practice has come out successfully or not, your life will be marked forever. Your love life and sexual level, together with the couple you are with will also be affected, and it is even known of serious complications in relation to the decrease in the number of daily sexual intercourse relationships, since sexual desire disappears for a time .

Among the various spiritual and psychological consequences that are caused by abortion, we have:

The woman usually develops a feeling of guilt.
Proverbs 6: 16-17
"There are six things that the LORD hates, and seven are an abomination to Him: proud eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, Proverbs 6: 16-17

  1. Women tend to develop stress behaviors, anger, depression and sadness.

  2. The woman tends to develop a desire to punish herself, accepting in her life abusive relationships which hurt her but does not dare to leave. They also tend to separate themselves from their closest family and friends in the midst of these toxic relationships.

  3. The woman usually loses weight in an accelerated way. What is known as Anorexia.

  4. The woman usually presents episodes of insomnia and decrease in the micturition reflex. Since the woman is always thinking about the practice of abortion and her baby.

  5. Women often lose a capacity that allows them to concentrate on work, with their friends, with their family, in their relationship and even in their studies.

  6. The woman usually has suicidal thoughts or comes to have attempts to take her own life.


Exodus 20:13
"Thou shalt not kill" Exodus 20:13

  1. The woman usually feels a need to replace the aborted baby, so they seek to get pregnant immediately after an abortion in order to eliminate the feeling of emptiness and guilt left by the aborted baby.

Psalm 139: 13-16
"Because you formed my entrails; You made me in my mother's womb. I will praise you, for amazingly and wonderfully I have been made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well. My body was not hidden from you, when in secret I was formed, {and} woven into the depths of the earth. Read more. Your eyes saw my embryo, and in your book they were written all the days that were given to me, when not even one of them Psalms "139: 13-16

Abortion is not the right choice for a woman.
Although having a pregnancy that is not planned is very common, women should be well informed about the number of disadvantages and complications involved in an abortion. Taking into account the precepts, which God left written in the bible, you will not kill and will not shed innocent blood, but only the person or the woman is solely responsible for deciding what to do with your pregnancy, although having the correct information you can decide not to do it and that would be the best option.

Job 10: 8-12
"Your hands formed me and made me, and you will destroy me? "Remember now that you have shaped me like clay, and you will make me return to dust? "Did not you spill me like milk, and like cheese did you curdle me? Did you not clothe me with skin and flesh, and wove me with bones and sinews? "Life and mercy you have granted me, and your care has kept my spirit" Job 10: 8-12

Why? There are people who make the decision to abort.
Most of the time the woman comes to the conclusion of having an abortion for reasons such as: Age, not having the support of her family, not having a man by her side that supports her in pregnancy, who will tell of the society, among many other reasons.

The woman must understand that she is not the only person in the world who is going through a problem of this magnitude and that bringing a child to the world in any circumstance will always be a miracle of God. Although it is normal that at the beginning of having the news of an unplanned pregnancy, the woman decides not to have it taking into account an environment an unfavorable environment which is accompanying her.

It is not easy to make the decision and it is even very complicated, but this decision must be reiterated because it is a personal decision of the woman, although it would not be bad for the woman to seek help from someone very close and in God.


1 Corinthians 6: 12
"All things are lawful for me, but not all agree; all things are lawful to me, but I will not be overpowered by any "1 Corinthians 6: 12

Among the specific reasons why women decide to have an abortion are:

If they already have a child, they prefer to be the best parents for the children they already have.
They do not have a good economic situation at that time to have a baby.
They prefer to be totally concentrated in their studies, friends, work, family, than in a pregnancy.
They may have been pregnant in the middle of a toxic relationship or some type of rape which makes them feel detached from pregnancy.
The woman may be suffering from some type of illness that, together with pregnancy, puts her life in greater danger.
For the simple reason of not wanting to be a mother yet.

What is the support a woman needs if she decides to continue with the pregnancy?
The spiritual, family, support of your partner, your friends and the other people around you is fundamental in the progress of pregnancy, although in indefinite accounts, who decides what is best for her pregnancy is the woman herself. God in his word says not to abandon their children in difficult times, the best option is to surrender to the hands of God and let him go putting everything in its place. Letting God work in our lives and give the woman that peace that is really what she needs, and in that way provide a better quality of life to the baby that is on the way.

4 Reasons not to abort.

  1. To think that he drinks, that he is coming is a miracle, which he wants you to love him.
    The baby who comes, on the way, is only asking for shouts, a first chance, to live and be happy with you. In short, he is screaming at you to embrace and love him, he wants to be your life partner and fill you with all the love that you have not received on earth yet from anyone. In the case that with all this, you still think that it is not a good option to have it and give your time to it, then think about the possibility of giving it up for adoption, since there are many other mothers, who for some reason can not have children, and they are waiting for a person like you.

  2. You must think, that at birth he drinks your life will change, for good.
    The moment you have physical contact with your new baby, you will not want to let go again. Let yourself be loved by someone who has not even seen you, but from your own belly he is already loving you. Remember that in this life, for everything there is time, after you have your baby you will have time, to study, work and do all those many plans that you had, before leaving in pregnancy. Remember also about God, do not leave your children helpless or alone.

Psalm 37: 25
"I was young, and now I am old, and I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread" Psalm 37: 25

  1. You will continue to be a beautiful woman.
    The fact of bringing a child to the world, makes you a mother, and that catalogs you as one of the most beautiful and worthy women to admire in the whole world. You get the most honorable and beautiful title that can exist, which is to be a mother. If the years pass, you will always continue to be the most beautiful woman for the eyes of your son. Your son will bring you the security, which you have needed so much, to dare to do so many things in life, which alone you will never manage to do. And do not forget God at any time in your youth, since he always takes care of you.

Ecclesiastes 12: 1
Remember your Creator now that you are young. Do not wait for the bad days to come, and for the years to come when you will say: "Living so much is not cause for rejoicing. Ecclesiastes 12: 1

  1. It will be the best gift of your life.
    Having a child and finding out about the news will be the best gift anyone can give you. For the fact that you become someone who gives life, makes you one of the most beautiful women on earth. No one else can equal such a gift on earth, that having a child. God gave his only son to die for you, to be a mother you will understand much better that beautiful verse of the Bible, you will never give your son to die for someone else.

John 3: 16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not be lost, but have eternal life. John 3: 16

You can think woman at the beginning of receiving the news that you will be a mother, taking into account that suddenly the environment is not the most appropriate, that having a child is not your best option. But why not think now, that you are not the one to decide that, and God sent it to you, and you can not take away his life. Also think a little, there are many women in the world, who for some reason can not give birth to a child, and are hopeful in a miracle of God.

Do not make the decision to abort, that should not be an option for you, if you are very young, remember that there is time for everything, it is better to continue your days in peace and tranquility, knowing that you never took your life, and That way you do not feel guilty, that after doing that, you spend all your days feeling guilty, for something you could avoid, assuming responsibility.

If you do not have the strength, to get ahead alone with your pregnancy, because the father has turned his back on you, remember that you are not alone, and that God in his word says never leave your children helpless.



Wow. Taty17, we mice are very impressed. Difficult topic. Well researched. Well presented. We hope to see you around here again soon.

What God thinks about the life of an unborn baby is reflected, on the one hand, in the Law that he gave to the nation of Israel, and on the other, in our own conscience. The Law established that if a pregnant woman lost the baby because of an assault, the guilty person deserved the death penalty. Thus, the murderer paid for the life of the creature with his own (Exodus 21:22, 23). The judges first had to assess the intentions and circumstances of each case (Numbers 35: 22-24, 31).

In addition, God has endowed humans with an inner conscience or voice. When a woman heeds her conscience and takes care of the life of her unborn baby, she feels good about herself. * If he does something against her, he may torment her or even condemn her (Romans 2:14, 15). Moreover, some studies claim that women who have an abortion are at higher risk of suffering from anxiety or depression.


In the eyes of God, life - especially human life - is sacred (Genesis 9: 6, Psalm 36: 9). So is the life of the creature that is in the womb of its mother, the place that God designed for babies to be protected during their formation. A writer of the Bible sang to God: "You had me covered in my mother's womb." And he added: "Your eyes saw even my embryo, and in your book all its parts were written, with respect to the days in which they were formed" (Psalm 139: 13, 16).

Abortion is very bad, you are killing a human being, so please i advise everyone to never partake in such an evil act.

Abortion has been a controversial issue in our various communities, health people tells us that for certain instances abortion is good but religiously His forbid it, it is said in the Bible that is only God who gives life and can take it.

As Christians, we must value all life as equal. Even the unborn one, as it is wrong to take any form of human life.

Every human life us precious to God who is the creator, there was no abortion during the bible days, I'm sure the bible would have addressed it however the bible Says do not Kill and that does not exclude a baby forming in the stomach.
We cannot take the life of a child forming in the womb because it is a design of the almighty people should know that every child or foetus deserves the chance to live, do as Christians we must endeavor never to be involved because it's a grave sin.

Abortion is not right is a sin because it is taking the life of a human being, even if the person is not Christian God wrote his law on the tables of our hearts making the judge judge and condemn wrongdoing.

Eliminating an unborn child is a sin before God and man.
Every child to be born on eartn will always have purpose and future therefore going into abortion when the child is not yet born will make Gid so angry.
In the beginning and in thereferences Ade in both new and old testament , the greatest people that where all will and did the things of the lord where all born in this word .
What is you on the process of aborting a child and you die defimiatelly you will not inherit his enternal glory for you have committed murder .
The child who you want to abort may be the one to change you and change your community.
Avoid abortion

Abortion is a big sin!

This act is nothing to write home about as it has become a normal thing in this age of civilisation forgeting the fact that the act is purnishable by the supreme beign(God). Thank you for speaking about this topic. Funny enough,


The continuing abortion debate reveals deep fears and division. It is tragic that such a matter as the life of a child in its mother’s womb, something that should bring people together, continues to divide and tear the moral fabric of a people.

This post is educative
Thank you

wow great post thanks for sharing with us

It is not easy to make the decision and it is even very complicated, but this decision must be reiterated because it is a personal decision of the woman, although it would not be bad for the woman to seek help from someone very close and in God.

Let me to congratulate you for taking the time to share your opinion, according to the Bible, regarding this delicate subject. God bless you Sign the petition. Spread the word. End abortion.

before i got married to my wife, in her previous relationship she aborted.
when we met she told me her experience and the abortion story.
Being a christian that understands the mercy of GOD I never made mention of the matter even when we got married last year September.

I was afraid because she was always complaining of pain below her abdomen. When we had sex the sperm will flow out almost immediately and we both got scared.

i browsed the internet to see the cause of this leakage of sperm and one of the mention reasons was if the person have aborted before. still i never brought up the matter about the abortion.

To the mercy of GOD she is pregnant now.

Abortion is bad and can cause you many things that even the eyes cannot see and the doctor cannot diagnose.

let's spread this to our youths and teenagers out there.

GOD bless you @taty17 for sharing this.

A los ojos de Dios, la vida —sobre todo la vida humana— es sagrada (Génesis 9:6; Salmo 36:9). También lo es la vida de la criatura que está en el vientre de su madre, el lugar que Dios diseñó para que los bebés estén protegidos durante su formación. Un escritor de la Biblia cantó a Dios: “Me tuviste cubierto en resguardo en el vientre de mi madre”. Y añadió: “Tus ojos vieron hasta mi embrión, y en tu libro todas sus partes estaban escritas, respecto a los días en que fueron formadas” (Salmo 139:13, 16).

Lo que Dios piensa sobre la vida de un bebé no nacido se refleja, por un lado, en la Ley que dio a la nación de Israel, y por otro, en nuestra propia conciencia. La Ley establecía que si una mujer embarazada perdía el bebé a causa de una agresión, el culpable merecía la pena de muerte. Así, el asesino pagaba la vida de la criatura con la suya propia (Éxodo 21:22, 23). Los jueces primero tenían que evaluar las intenciones y circunstancias de cada caso (Números 35:22-24, 31).

Además, Dios ha dotado a los humanos de una conciencia o voz interior. Cuando una mujer le hace caso a su conciencia y cuida de la vida de su bebé no nacido, se siente bien con ella misma. * Si hace algo en contra de esta, tal vez la atormente o incluso la condene (Romanos 2:14, 15). Es más, algunos estudios afirman que las mujeres que tienen un aborto corren más riesgo de padecer ansiedad o depresión.

Pero ¿y si no pensaba tener hijos y esta responsabilidad le parece abrumadora? Fíjese en la promesa tan reconfortante que Dios hace a quienes siguen sus consejos, tanto hombres como mujeres: “Con alguien leal tú actuarás en lealtad; con el hombre físicamente capacitado, exento de falta, tratarás de un modo exento de falta” (Salmo 18:25). También promete: “Jehová es amador de la justicia, y no dejará a los que le son leales” (Salmo 37:28).