Steemchurch - Burning for God! . Wesley L. Duewel

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Your way of being so bathed by the presence and beauty of the Lord that other people sense that God is with you! The Hand of God so clearly evident in your life and leadership that you notice the power and authority that lie in you with Holiness and peace! The Holy Spirit who anoints you repeatedly to perform your daily duties and your activities as leader! God wants you as a leader who burns truly with his Holy Spirit, be ordained or secular.

Have you been yearning for the Holy Spirit to touch you more, for God to put his hand over you with more power, sealing your leadership and your whole life? Have you ever felt that God must have more anointing of his Holy Spirit available to you than you have habitually experienced?

When you read the stories of how God used, so powerfully, men like Wesley, Whitefield, Finney, and Moody, do you want these divine works to be more common in today's Christian leaders? Have you longed to have the fire of the Holy Spirit more evidently: to touch your lips when you speak, your heart when you pray and to add that "extra" blessing from God to your leadership? Rejoice! God gave you that desire.

He has a new dimension of divine training available to every Christian leader, including you. God longs to show you that he is more bristling with you than you realize. He has chosen you and driven you for his own purpose. God wants to do new things through you and your ministry.
You are a person that God wants to use more and more for his glory, in a sense that you, in all probability, consider yourself totally unworthy. You know you're not special at all. Hardly if you conceive yourself as a man of God or a woman of God but he wants to use you in a special way. You are important to him; God needs you and wants to prove to you what he can do through your life and leadership. God wants you to light up with his love, His Holy Spirit and his power you can burn for God
God chose to use fire as a symbol of the Holy Spirit to help us understand what he longs to do. He wants his leaders to burn for him, to be ignited by the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, in flames with his glory. He wants this sacred capacity to characterized you as one chosen and appointed by him.

Much of the content of this book can bless anyone who is hungry for God - starving to be more used by God - and will be used especially by God to help all of you, Christian leaders, whether they serve full time or direct groups Of Christians within a particular church. Whatever your position as leader: Pastor, Elder, Presbyter, Deacon, missionary, leader of some Christian ministry, God wants you to be a burning flame. Teacher or Sunday school teacher, lay leader, leader of prayer groups, you can also burn for God.

Christian leadership demands the spiritual optimum from us and much more. His supernatural touch that gives power must be added to our optimum. We must offer the best of ourselves and then hope that God will add his sacred fire. Our best is never enough. We constantly need that extra touch of God. We need your fire.

We need more than skill and skill to serve God. We need the manifest presence of God, the awareness and evidence of God's special touch in US. Let us not trust in our knowledge, preparation, and experience, but trust in that touch of God that transforms the supreme and optimal to each of us.

Spurgeon insisted, "We need extraordinary spiritual anointing, not extraordinary intellectual power."