in #steemchurch7 years ago

Love for God, "The most vital" commandment, one that both the old and new covenants depict as important to make the most of God's supported favor.


To love God is to make the most of God's supported favor. As Moses affirmed, Yahweh "keeps pledge and unfaltering love with the individuals who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand ages," however he "reimburses to their face the individuals who loathe him, by crushing them" (Deuteronomy 7:9– 10).
Essentially, Paul announced that "everything cooperate for good" just for "the individuals who love God . . . who are called by his motivation" (Romans 8:28).

Some have labeled the Supreme Command of Deuteronomy 6:5 the "all-charge," due to the three-fold "all" — "You should love the Lord your God with everything that is in you and with your entire existence and energetically" (ESV). There is no room here for isolated affections or fidelity.
As Jesus stated, "Nobody can serve two bosses" (Matthew 6:24). In the event that undoubtedly there is one God who stands especially capable and significant (Deuteronomy 6:4), this requests a preeminent and aggregate dedication from you and me, a devotion that begins with the heart.


While astounding to a few, the old pledge perceived that a spiritual association with God starts from inside, with a legitimate demeanor toward the overwhelming Savior, sovereign, and satisfier. From the heart "stream the springs of life" (Proverbs 4:23), and without one's will, wants, interests, affections, recognition, and contemplation properly adjusted, the life of love is unthinkable.


Subsequently Moses calls Israel to "know . . . in your heart" that God disciplines like a father his child (Deuteronomy 8:5). He encourages God's kin to "lay it to heart" that there is no God other than Yahweh (Deuteronomy 4:39– 40) and to guarantee that his words "be on your heart" (Deuteronomy 6:6), along these lines reckoning the phenomenal heart-work that the new agreement would acknowledge (Jeremiah 31:33).

Alongside our souls, we are called to love Yahweh with our entire existence. In the initial five books of the Old Testament the "spirit" alludes to one's entire being as a living individual, which incorporates one's "heart," yet is a great deal more. For instance, in Genesis 2:7 we are told that "Yahweh God shaped the man of clean from the beginning inhaled into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man turned into a living [soul] animal" (Genesis 9:5).


Love God with your interests, cravings, observations, and contemplations. Somewhere else, cadavers are called "dead souls," which just means the individual, once alive, is currently dead (Leviticus 21:11), and Yahweh guarantees that his "spirit [i.e., his being] should not severely dislike" all who take after his lead (Leviticus 26:11).
In light of these writings, it appears Moses begins with a call to love God from inside and afterward moves one stage bigger saying that everything in regards to us as a man is to announce Yahweh as Lord.





The love of God can not be over emphasize on, the Love God have for his people can be seen as unexplainable phenomenon, it is even writen in the scripture;

John 3:16

For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life

The love of God can also be seen in our day to day life in that the mercy of God spread the whole earth and it is said that man lives in the mercy of God which is shown through his love.

One of our frustrations with love is our complete inability to keep it. Like sand slipping between our fingers, the harder we grasp the faster it seems to fall through. It would be nice if love was as simple as baking a batch of cookies or building a bird house for the backyard; a simple set of ingredients, a logical list of steps to take. But we all know the truth; love cannot be manufactured. It cannot be bought or traded. It cannot be forced. It cannot be controlled. It cannot be plotted on a map or broken down into a checklist of to do’s.


Love for God is the most important part of Christianity, because if we love God we will keep all his commandment and we will never struggle

We should learn to return God's love,he loves us unconditionally, he sacrificed his son for us, what more do we want as prove of his love!

Love is one of the greatest fruit of God, we all need love in our everyday life.

Love is greater than all things,that reason the word of God became man dwellth among them

God loves us and he is interested in everything about us
When we love him with our hearts we will always keep his commandments
Very precise one apostle

God's love for us should be reciprocated in way of life. We should show our love for him by doing his will the right way.

What an explicit articulation of God's word on Man's love for God and God's love for man which has unfathomable promises and revelations. Thanks Mate,thumbsup

So true! We love Him because He first loved us! If we love Him we are capable of keeping His commands. Loving God and our fellow man sums up the law and the prophets. Love does no harm. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love never fails! His perfect love casts out all fear.
He is the initiator of this love affair and we are the responder!
Thank you for such a great post with so much truth!
God bless!

I loved your post! I did not know about a @steemchurch