God gives you surplus not because you need it but because he wants you to help other.
The day couldn’t have gotten any better, after having series of classes on my birthday, I felt so delighted when it was finally time to do what we have to do.
The more you give, the more it comes back to you, because God is the greatest giver in the universe, and He won’t let you outgive Him. Go ahead and try. See what happens.
The Steemchurch team which comprises of @vikebun, @estheromoyiwola, @iwinosa, @evadiva, @iksilva, @abiye and myself came out in our awesomeness to pay a courtesy visit to the “Cornerstone orphanage Home” located at Benin City Nigeria and Celebrate the New age of @Tikhub.
On our arrival, the director and kids of “Cornerstone orphanage Home” warmly welcomed us and they were all really excited about our visit, but not as excited as we were because it’s always more blessed to give than receive.
We got in and presented the items to them, signed our partnership with the “Cornerstone orphanage Home” and promise to come pay visit to the kids as often as we can.
When you open your heart to giving, angels fly to your door.
The Birthday celebration kicked off with a birthday song, praise/worship and opening prayers from one of the beautiful kids of the “Cornerstone orphanage Home”.
We then played games, danced and took some nice shots with the kids before we finally cut in cake.
Finally before we left we took out time to explain the concept of steemit, the Steemchurch and the founding father @sirknight to the directors and manager of the “Cornerstone orphanage Home” and they assured us that they will take a closer look into it and possibly join the community soonest.
Closing prayer was led by one of us and we took some pictures before we left.
from left; @iksilva, @evadiva, @tikhub, @estheromoyiwola, @abiye, @iwinosa
for more information about the corner stone orphanage click here
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
This is quite a very simple one, just simply take a picture of you being the cause of someones smile and get rewarded by GOD and a resteem on @STEEMCHURCH.
Special appreciation to @sirknight the founding father of @steemchurch for this great initiative, may God continue to bless him richly.
Get ready to be thrilled!
Brother Tikhub - amazing!
This Knight doesn't get to parties very much these days, but this is one party he would have loved to attend.
Absolutely love the shirts! Yes LOVE them!!
Also love all those smiling faces. A good looking bunch of young men and women.
You guys are lifting STEEM and the STEEMCHURCH to a whole new level now - promoting our parish within the outside world - thank you for this.
It is wonderful to see SteemChurch meaning so much now - to so many.
It appears that this Knight may not be the biggest legend in Steemit afterall...
as I am not... the Legendary Tikhub!
Thanks sir, we are simply following your footsteps sir!
Well said sir........
I am very happy to see this, this is really good, giving to the orphanage, God loves the heart that give, “God loves a cheerful giver.” Once a Christian decides to give, he should do so cheerfully, or with joy, says Paul. Indeed, happiness is a by-product of giving that is properly motivated. ( Acts 20:35 ) The cheerful giver can hardly hide his joy. In fact, the term “cheerful” could very well describe both the inward feeling and the outward expression of the giver. A cheerful giver touches our heart. He also warms God’s heart. Another translation says: “God loves people who love to give.”..
This is simply amazing, God truly blessed the hands that give, much blessings to you @tikhub, many years I pray thee, more blessings to ny own brother @abiye that introduced me to this community, love you brother and also to @sirknight and to all members of @steemchurch, Greater heights I pray for thee, God sovereign power is great
All Thanks to God for grace and we hope to impact more lives through the CRUSADE OF FREEDOM
Its a great movement and you are apreciated for this!kudos!
steemchurch went out to the streets, and likewise we follow your steps, it is not only to take food and things, but also to carry the word of God and to take steemchurch to many places ..
There is nothing happier than keeping a smile on the faces of those less privileged,@tikhub you really chose a nice place to celebrate your self you are really an apostle.
thankGod for this Grace
All I can say is steemchurch is going places and I am proud of the apostles that are doing this. #godblesssteemchurch
This is what I call:
I really loved this
I just love checking reading this post. And, I really believe that :
It's an obvious fact.; it is happening already.
It's good to know that you guys are doing a good job, by helping the poor,kudos.
wow nice all pictures
This is really awesome, I am amazed I must say I really want to say a very big thank you for the love you've shared towards the orphanage home. May the lord reward you all bountifully. Happy Birthday once again
That beautiful!! this is the true gospel! congratulations and may God continue to prosper to give more to the needy!
And, by the way : nice photos.
Thanks for sharing
May God bless the hands that gives and replenish...
What a pleasant surprise! , uy beautiful work! Team blessings of @steemchurch, are men and women of God!
Wow That's a Great job man, i like it and vote it up, and Thanks to @tikhub for sharing that Post and Alls of pic with us, great job, and keep it up, Thank you
Amazing...... an unforgettable experience
Great charity Great post Great pics and Great JOB @tikhub. thanks for sharing with us.
Great post sir.you are awesome. Good job. Thanks for sharing your post
Awesome to see this @tikhub! Great work :)
Yaaaayyy @tikhub Injust made a post about Steemchurch inviting more people to church. Lol. Please check this out. I hope you love it.