Throughout our Christian journey, we live experiences that mark us. Among them there are some that are bitter like gall, and we have them as negative, mainly when it comes to those related to the practice of sins. As for this kind of experience, it is too bad when it happens in people's lives, we feel weak in faith and, sometimes, we feel so guilty, that we are left with shame to be before God; we stop praying, reading the Bible and singing praises, because we perceive ourselves so dirty and unworthy, that, if we dare to practice such actions, our conscience, full of guilt, would soon accuse us of hypocrites.
Therefore, it is important to know what God thinks about this condition. In 2 Corinthians 12.9, we find an answer to this: "My grace is enough for you, because my power is perfected in weakness." With that, we understand that God does not want us to distance ourselves from Him when we sin. On the contrary, He wants us to come closer to be redeemed from our sins through the blood of Jesus. The affirmation is very clear: the grace of God is enough for us, it is enough for the consummation of our forgiveness.
I believe that one of the best feelings of relief and filling of soul in us occurs when we see ourselves like this: we feel dirty, unworthy, ill-treated and hypocritical, and in this way we approach God in search of reconciliation, and the Aba comes as the father of the prodigal son, comforting and comforting. It is a wonderful experience that only those who live understand. The forgiveness given by God comes as a remedy capable of curing the cancer that has torn the soul of a being. The feeling of relief and inner peace is indescribable; Many times, it causes such a deep emotion in us, that we cried as children. And when we get out of that unpleasant situation of guilt, we feel stronger. From there we see that the text of 2 Corinthians makes all sense. The power of God is perfected in our weakness.
I do not know if it is theologically correct to speak like that, but sometimes those situations are valid to make us humble and, therefore, stronger, because many times we judge our neighbor too much when he falls, we are so super believers, that we put ourselves in the heart place of God when wanting to judge the brother. I understand that this experience is very timely to reflect a little on forgiveness, tolerance towards others, compassion and humility.
Sorry, to understand that, as God forgave us, we must also act towards our fellowmen; tolerance, to develop the perception that each human being has a history that has conferred peculiar characteristics, that must be respected and understood; compassion and humility, so that we can instruct in love the brother who sinned and ask God for mercy, because our human nature leaves us in the imminence of sinning constantly.
Given these words, I want to end up leaving here an appointment that inspired me to write them. It is a fragment of the song "Siempre tiene una así", from the band Rescate: "When I look at the soul, where are your signs?
He has more right than my escape. If I feel you, there is nothing that you need more. Forgiveness came earlier than my fault. "
I pay attention to the last sentence: "Forgiveness came earlier than my fault". I wish that you, my brother, have this perception always, in the name of Jesus and for the good of your soul: Jesus, by dying on the cross, brought upon himself all the sin of the world, and, through that act, We have God's forgiveness guaranteed when we ask for it in the name of Jesus, that is, forgiveness can always come earlier than guilt, it just depends on you.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all" (Revelation 22.21).
Your weaknesses are not an accident. God allowed them in his life to reveal his power through you. He was never impressed by his strength, ability and talents, because he gave him these things himself.
Resteem by: EC
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