"But Jesus said, Someone touched me, because I perceived that power came from me." Lc 8,46
The divinity of Christ is something that we sometimes abstract from when we read the Scriptures. In this way we are impressed with the aspects of his humanity, which we forget once for another that, in all the moments in which he lived with us, he was also God-Son.
Yes, we always remember that he was thirsty, and he asked the Samaritan woman to give him water from Jacob's well. We remember that he was hungry, and he ate with the disciples the fish collected in the sea of Tiberias. We remember that he was sad and cried when he heard about Lazaro's death. We remember that he cared for the children, and embraced them with love and tenderness.
And, in all this, we forget that he was God too; that even when men exalted him, he was not convinced of this "well he knew what was in their hearts"; that when Judas became one of the disciples, he received him, but "from the beginning he knew who would betray him"; that when that woman touched him, she did it by a design different from the others, that they simply clashed in him among the crowd.
Therefore, because we focus on their humanity, we often forget their divinity. We forget that just as the woman who touched him to be graceful, we in our day, we can also receive the gift of his power, if we seek and love him.
Are we, at the end of each day, talking with him? Do we live praying and asking for his intervention in our life? Have we sought to reflect on their teachings in order to withdraw the orientation and direction for our living? Let us remember that if we do so, just as the woman who played in it, we will be touched by the power that comes from it, and in those turbulent days that we live, we will receive, for our life, the gift of his power.
Make me, Lord, believe that you act in my life, and so believing and living, I can feel the presence of your Spirit in every day of my life.
Very interesting the story of this miracle done by our Lord Jesus Christ, the gr activates the power of God in us.
Father help me and give me the faith to continually push through until I get that touch of power. Amen
Thanks for sharing