My Daily Devotional February 7, 2020.

in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

Truth and Holiness!

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Ephesians 4:25 New International Version (NIV)
25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

To speak with the truth is to adhere to one of the most direct and clear commandments that you have given my dear Father, today you give me this word for me to reflect on whether I am fulfilling this or not.

Meditating on this message, I perceive that there is something more in the background since mentioning that we are members of the same body is like saying that lying to a brother is doubly bad, because it is like deceiving myself.

If in this passage there is a context of dressing the new man (renewing), this word becomes an appendix of that old man who does not want to die to make way for the new.

The truth sanctifies, therefore to be in the truth is to be in holiness and this can only be achieved by living in the Spirit.

Therefore, communion and obedience are fundamental in the implementation of this principle, which is why today I have to be clear, diaphanous and able to avoid confusions that can trigger half-truths or deception in which no the Holy Spirit of God can manifest.

Thank you very much Lord for your word.

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Efesios 4:25 Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)
25 Por lo tanto, dejando la mentira, hable cada uno a su prójimo con la verdad, porque todos somos miembros de un mismo cuerpo.

Hablar con la verdad es apegarse a uno de los mandamientos mas directos y claros que tu has dado mi querido Padre, hoy me das esta palabra para que yo reflexione si estoy cumpliendo con esto o no.
Meditando sobre este mensaje, percibo que hay algo más de fondo ya que al mencionar que somos miembros de un mismo cuerpo es como decir que mentirle a un hermano es doblemente malo, porque es como engañarme a mi mismo.

Si en este pasaje hay un contexto de vestirse del nuevo hombre (renovarse), esta palabra viene a ser un apendice de ese viejo hombre que no quiere morir para dar paso al nuevo.

La verdad santifica, por lo tanto estar en la verdad es estar en santidad y esto solamente puedo lograrlo viviendo en el Espiritu.

Por lo tanto, la comunión y la obeiencia son fundamentales en la puesta en práctica de este principio por lo cual hoy tengo que ser claro, diafano y consiso de manera de evitar las confusiones que puedan desencadernar a medias verdades o al engaño en lo cual no se puede manifestar el espiritu Santo de Dios.

Muchas gracias Señor por tu palabra.
"tomas.jc" @tomas.enrique

My special thanks goes to all the parishioners.

to brother @maxdevalue gives me to participate, the support of the priest @uyobong and the curatorship of @sniffnscurry. Also supported by @steemchurch and subsidiaries. Grateful for this opportunity.

If you're so kind as to vote for my posts or resteem it. Thank you so much.

Here are my daily devotionals.

The unique intention of this post is only share my daily devotional.
La unica intencion de publicar esto es compartir mi devocional diario.

The word of God says that God is not God of confusion, the Lord is clear with things and transparent, so we must imitate him because God example of refusing to do something wrong.

God bless you brother, your post has ministered to me.

Thanks for take a time for comments, your words are an incentive for me.

Thanks for take a time
For comments, your words are an
Incentive for me.

                 - tomas.enrique

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