Give, be quiet and you will be rewarded

Hello friends, I am pleased to greet you again. I am happy to take you a little of the teaching that God gives me daily.

In the Bible there is a verse that I was analyzing in the book of Matthew, maybe many times we have been presented with some opportunity to help and for not acting as we should is not pleasing to God.

Jesus and the alms

6 Beware of doing your righteousness before men, that they may be seen of them; otherwise you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
2 When therefore give alms, do not sound the trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, to be praised by men; I swear you that the have already got their reward.

This is the truth and the reality of life, if we do a favor, we give an offering, we lend aid to a brother who needs it, we make this a party with our words and we think we will be praised and God will duplicate what I do.

For this is hated by God, because it clearly tells us Let us not do righteousness before men to be seen.

When you give something or help someone, do not play trumpet in front of you, because you act like a hypocrite.

Let us put this wise advice into practice and the reward will come later and will be great for our actions.

God bless you and remember what you do with your right hand or your left hand must know.
