steemchurch:The Healer of Our Wounds

GOD CAN HEAL YOUR HIDDEN WOUNDS "Heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.

(Interesting article)
5 Points that will change your life, read it again and again !!!

Have you ever broken a bone? Has a bone been broken more than once? How many times have you been given more than thirty stitches to close a wound? How many have had a surgery? How many have been stabbed in a kitchen or in a dark alley? Have you ever been shot? How many have been injured in a war?

Today I want to talk about how God heals your hidden wounds. Not physical injuries but those wounds that are hidden. They can be memories of your past that when you remember them still cause pain in your life.
They can be memories of abandonment, of abuse, of ridicule, of severe criticism, of hatred, of prejudice, things that brought it down like - physical, spiritual, sexual or emotional abuse.

Where do the hidden wounds in your life come from? From everywhere. I'm sure they've felt it. Sometimes it comes from society and its damages, other times they come from the members of their family and those are the ones that hurt the most - those that come from parents, children, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts . You can receive them at work, in the school yard for bad children. They are everywhere.

When talking with people I have learned two truths about life.
One - we all have a hidden wound. At least one. An emotional scar produced by someone who seriously hurt us in the past.
The other thing I have learned is that emotional scars take longer to heal than physical wounds. People have gone to war and have returned. Their bodies heal but sometimes it takes years and years to recover from emotional wounds.

There is good news: Jesus Christ wants to heal his hidden wounds and can begin that process this morning.
Last week I told you that in the Bible, God different Hebrew names according to the benefits we receive from Him is given One is in Exodus 15:. "I am Jehovah Rapha" which means "I am the God who heals" . The Bible says: "Heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds." Psalm 147: 3 (NASB).
You may ask yourself: "And how do you do that? I would like it to heal my hidden wounds, those wounds and memories of the past. " Today we are going to talk about THE STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF HEALING OF GOD.

When you read about the life of Jesus you will see that He healed many people - physically and emotionally. There are certain patterns and principles that are repeated over and over again about the way He dealt with people. They do not always go in this order but you can find these five principles in God's process to heal memories.

  1. The first step is to REVEAL MY PAIN

You will never know what you are up against until you acknowledge your feelings. The Bible talks about the problem of "keeping" a problem and not talking about it. "So I kept silent, I kept quiet. Even the good did not come out of my mouth! But my anguish was increasing; 3 my heart burned in my chest! As I meditated on this, the fire became inflamed and I had to say: "Psalm 39: 2-3 (NIV)
It is saying that keeping a pain is like having charcoal burning in your heart - you are the one that is going to burn!
The wounds do not heal while you hide them. On the contrary, they burn more. Ignore them will not eliminate them either, it will only make them worse.
There are people who are tired all the time and one of the causes of the constant fatigue is that they are using all their energy to keep resentments, resentments, guilt and anguish about their past.
He uses so much energy in those things that he has no energy for the present, so he is tired all the time.
The Bible says that it is emotionally exhausting to keep wounds: "While I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away with my groaning all day long." Psalm 32: 3 (NIV)
We live in a sinful world and people abuse other people in surprising ways. How do you respond to abuse? Some respond by forgetting about it. "If I do not know, I'll forget about it, period"
Some people try to run away from them: they drink excessively, take drugs or have sex with people they do not know. Some try to blame others.
Some try to cover their abuse. For some reason they feel guilty. They think it's their fault. They do not want anyone to find out, so they hide it and that's like a bottle of coca cola that we have shaken - it is about to explode and one day the lid will come out.

None of those answers works. The first thing to do is be honest about your pain, fear, anger, resentment and bitterness about what people did to him, about how he was abandoned, abused, ridiculed and the shame he felt. He has to reveal his pain. You have to be honest. Honest with whom? With three different people:
First, you have to be honest with yourself. He has to say "This hurts! I'm embarrassed by this and it still hurts me. "
Second, you have to be honest with God. He has to say "God that's how I feel!" And he has to drown, get everything inside. God can bear it. God knows he is hurt because He saw when he was wounded. And He suffered with you. God will not be surprised when you tell him about the pain and shame in your life. It will not surprise you.

He already knows. He cares for him and already loves him. God only wants you to be honest with Him because you know that it will be a catharsis or an outlet to let your wounds come out afloat.
The third thing you have to do is be honest with at least one person you trust. Tell someone of flesh and blood. There is something healing about revealing your feelings to another person.
The Bible says in Job 18: 4 "You are only hurting yourself with your anger." When he hides it, he is hurting himself. But you have someone to trust, we have leaders with whom you can talk. You have to get that wound out of your heart. It will never be okay until you reveal your wounds.

  1. The second step is to LET THE RESENT TO GO TO THOSE WHO HAVE HURT IT. How can it be free?

You can not improve while you hold resentments. For his own sake, he has to forget the desires for revenge. Do you want to heal? Do you want to take revenge on who hurt you?
He does not have enough energy to do both. He can not do both. You're going to have to decide what you want to do. I tell you a secret: Getting revenge on someone is not going to cure your pain. Some have done it. Some have "paid" the person who hurt them and they know that did not solve the problem because they still feel pain. There is only one way to get the pain out of your heart when someone has hurt you and that is through ... Of Forgiveness. And you can say "But you do not deserve to be forgiven!"

Is right. I did not say they deserved it. They do not deserve it but you did not deserve to be forgiven and God forgave you. I'm not telling you to forgive because you deserve it. I tell them to forgive them for their own good. He can not continue with his life as long as he lives in the past. As long as you keep resentments, you are stuck. That person still controls his life in the present even if he has been out of his life for years.

You can not hold a grudge and enjoy life. You have to let it go. He has to let go of that desire to take revenge or "make them pay" for what they did to him. Not because they deserve it, but because you want to continue with your life. "Do not pay anyone bad for evil, try what is good in front of all men. If possible, as far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Do not avenge yourselves my beloved ones, but leave room for the wrath of God, because it is written: "Mine is vengeance, I will repay, says the Lord" Rom. 12: 17-19 (RV 1995)
The reason why we do not act correctly is because we forget about this. We forget that God sees all the harm they have done to us.
When we forget that God saw how they hurt us, we believe that we can resolve the matter on our own but we can not. God says "I will adjust the accounts." Let Jesus adjust the accounts. Trust that God will collect the debt. God saw what was happening. He saw the harm done to him and He will do justice at the appropriate time. So he has to make a decision: either he spends his life trying to settle the accounts or he lets God do it. "You well know how many times I've cried." Psalm 58.6b (BLS)
Do you know that God has written down each of the tears he has shed, the times he has been abused, the times he has suffered injustice, prejudice, pain and rejection? God has a record of his tears and one day he will settle the accounts because He is the God of justice. Nothing has gone unnoticed by His eyes.
None of his pains. The reason why he still resentment is because in his subconscious he thinks that if he forgets the offense, those who hurt him will get away with it - they will have won. You believe that saving that resentment will hurt you but it is not true, you are only hurting yourself.

Do not worry, the damage they did to you is not going to be forgotten. God will remember him. And if God is going to remember all the harm they have done to him, he has to stop thinking about it and waste energy with those thoughts. Jesus understands what abuse is. "When Jesus suffered, He did not threaten to make them pay for their abuse. He left everything in the hands of God. " Jesus had six wounds before he died. A wound on the head, another on the face, on the back by the lashes, on the hands, on the feet and on one side where the spear was stuck. But Jesus' deepest wound was what he kept inside - that of betrayal. Jesus knew the abuse, the rejection, the hatred, the injustice.

Jesus could destroy them in an instant, but instead of raising them, he raised his hands and said "Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing." Why should you forgive those who hurt you? First of all because God has forgiven him. In second because he will need to be forgiven much more in the future. And thirdly because that is the only way he will be able to heal.
There is no other way. He has to let go of his desire to earn. "Make sure that no one stops getting the grace of God; that no bitter root springs up and causes difficulties and corrupts many "Hebrews 12.15 (NIV) Resentment poisons everyone around you.
When you are bitter, you hurt innocent people and prolong the pain because by not releasing that person who has offended you, you will start appearing to him or her. "I will never be like my father ..." by saying this he is focusing on what he does not want to be and what you resist, persists. It will become a bitter person. Do you know that bitterness can pass from generation to generation?

Some of you had bitter parents and inherited resentment towards life and circumstances. If you do not break the chain, you will pass it on to your children. Someone has to stop the misery and he can only do it by revealing the pain and by releasing those who have hurt him.

  1. If you want to heal, you have to REPLACE YOUR MEMORIES WITH THE TRUTHS OF YOURSELF

How can it be healed? With an antiseptic? Your brain is like a cassette recorder. He has recorded each of the experiences he has had through his five senses: everything he has smelled, what he has seen, what he has touched, what he has heard and what he has tried - everything is there. Everything that people have told him. His brain is an amazing recorder. He has recorded everything: good or bad, right and wrong, true and false.
But here is a problem: your brain does not distinguish between things that are true and those that are false. When you were a child, you were told a couple of things that were not true and you believed them. And if he believed in them, he acted as they told him. Some still live today with faulty information. When you base your life on faulty information your whole life will have a defeatist style.
You will build a life full of failures and pain. Some, during their childhood, heard their parents or other authority figures say to them: "You're stupid ... you're ugly ... you're never going to do anything with your life ... I'm ashamed to call you my son! ... You're clumsy ... you're stupid ... Why can not you be smart like your brother / sister? "The things that told him:" You're not good for anything "- that was recorded in his brain and some of them are 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 years old and still listen to that recording and wonder why they do things that make them fail. They have habits and actions that lead to failure and those must be replaced by the truths of God. "Do not conform to the current world, but be transformed by renewing your mind. That way they can see what God's will is, good, pleasant and perfect. "Romans 12.2 (NIV)

How does God change us? How does it transform us? Changing the way we think. And how is that done? First, you have to pray and say: "God, would you heal my memories? Those things that hurt me, those wounds in my heart. I still hurt. Would you heal my memories to begin the process? Second, you have to fill your mind with the Word of God, the Bible. The more you fill your mind with that book, the more you will begin to erase the old cassettes and the truths of God will fill your mind. He has to have a Bible to build his life on the Truth and replace all the lies. You will fill your mind with these things by memorizing verses, studying and reading. And the third thing you must do is to believe the truth about yourself. What is your truth?

What has God said about you? "Through what Christ did for us God decided to make us holy before his eyes, without a single defect we are facing Him covered by His love."

Without a single defect - this is how God looks at him once he has crossed the line and given his life to Christ. Without a single defect. He erases everything he has done wrong - guilt, regrets, shame, pain - he erases it and says "Let's start over". And I ask him: "Does it really have no defects?" The answer is no ... but for the love of Christ and his sacrifice, God sees it without flaws. That is the good news.

Psychologists have repeatedly proven that the way you see yourself - the self-esteem and self-esteem a person has - is determined by the way the most important people in your life think. So I want to suggest that you make Jesus Christ the most important person in your life.
He is going to tell you the truth while everyone else is going to lie to you. So you have to decide: Will you listen to the liars (who told you that you were worthless) or will you listen to Jesus Christ? Do you remember what Jesus Christ said? The Bible says that when you are with Christ you are valuable, accepted as you are, loved, forgiven, capable and that God can use you.

That is what God says about you. I repeat the question: Who will you listen to? Who will you believe? Will you believe in the lie they told you? Will you believe in what another child told you during recess? Will you believe in what an imperfect and sinful person said, or will you believe in what God says about you? It is your decision. You have to replace the cassettes of your brain with the Truths of God. It's a process to do it but you have to start it

.4. If you want to be healed of your hidden wounds you have to CONCENTRATE ON THE FUTURE

Stop focusing on your past and focus on God's plans for your future

It has to refocus on the future. There are three steps to do it. They are all in Job 11: 13-16 (NIV) "But if you surrender your heart to him and stretch out your hands, if you turn away from the sin you have committed and in your abode you do not accommodate evil, then you can wear your forehead stand tall and stand firm and free from fear.
You will certainly forget your sorrows, or you will remember them as the water that passed. " Job11: 13 - 16 First he says "if you give him your heart". Give him his heart and his desire to take revenge on those who hurt him. Forgive them whether they deserve it or not. You must do the right thing even if they do not do it.

Maybe he's thinking "But, I do not feel like doing" and I say "It does not matter! Do it! "It's the right thing to do and it's the only way he'll heal his wounds. Surrender your heart Do the right thing that is to forgive. Second says "to Him you extend your hands". He has to ask Christ to come into his life and he has to ask him to begin to heal his hidden wounds and he has to ask him to show him the positive within the negative that has happened to him. If you want to heal your wounds, you have to stop focusing on your pain and start focusing on your Healer.

Stop thinking and obsessing about your pain and the people who hurt you. Start focusing on Jesus Christ who is the one who can heal you - Jehovah Rafa "The God who heals you". He is the answer, nobody else. The third thing he has to do is "Face the world ... again." I dont know Do not withdraw from the world. Do not lock yourself in a closet. Keep living. Stop saying "I am a victim". Start saying "I'm no longer a victim!" Look ahead. Follow these steps and you'll see what happens. "Then your problems will disappear from your memory. Like waters that have passed and that are not remembered. " Would not you like to feel that? Would not you like your problems to disappear from your memory?

Then take these steps. Remember that you can forget if you refocus. The past is not forgotten by saying "I'm going to forget". If it says "I'm going to forget it" that means you're thinking about it all the time. This will not work. You have to refocus on Jesus Christ, His plan, His purpose in your life and then you will be so engaged and so busy with God that you will not have time to think about the past.

The past is not your future. That already happened. Do not get stuck in the past because you have the power of God through Christ to get out of it. You can be a new person. Your past is not the future.
You are not tied to the past unless you hold grudges. You have to take these steps
-Reveil your hidden wound,

  • Release those who have hurt him,
  • replace the cassettes of your brain with the Truths of God,
  • Re-focus on the future.

When he does that he will be able to do what Proverbs 4.35 (NASB) says: "Look at your eyes forward, and look at what is in front of you." Proverbs 4.35 (HNV) You will never get better by your own account. If I could, I would have done it ... and can not. You need other people. You need support. You need a support group and the best place to find it is in the church. People with deep wounds do anything to avoid feeling pain. They drug themselves. They get drunk. They take pills. They have sex with people they do not know. They do anything to try to stop the pain. How can you find relief? With sex? With drugs? With alcohol? With pornography, do you know how they can find relief? With Jesus

The world can only offer temporary analgesics. And the problem of temporary relief is that: one, the relief does not last long, two, two are addictive, three, never solve a problem. And when you stop using those painkillers, you're still going to be alone, ashamed, bitter, angry and feeling worthless. Stop looking for quick relief. That does not work.

Surrender your life to Christ. "I am the God who heals." That boyfriend you have is not the solution. The bride you have is not the answer. That bad habit you have is not the solution either. Jehovah Rafa is the answer. How do you know when he has been healed? He knows when he begins to share the cure with others.

He is not truly healed until he reaches the fifth step.5. HELP OTHERSI

You have not reached this step in God's healing process because you are still not healed. You have to redeem your pain. You have to use your experiences to help other people. That is called a ministry. God wants us to help each other. He can use his pain for something good. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 1, "Who comforts us in all our tribulations so that with the same consolation that we have received from God, we can also console all those who suffer." 2 Cor. 1: 4 (NIV) Do you have a great wound in your life? You can start again. It is possible! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, it is a new creation. The old has passed, the new has come! "2 Cor. 5:17 (NIV)

God says: "Let's forget the past. Let's put new cassettes on the recorder. "Some of us have accepted Christ but we have not revealed that hidden wound, he has not released those who have offended him, he has not replaced the lies that he was told with the Truth of God and he still lives in his life past when God has already given him the power to have a new life.

Take that freedom that God offers you, today. It does not matter who you are.
It does not matter where you've been
It does not matter what the scar
It does not matter what the sin is.
It does not matter how he fell On the road.
There is healing for your life ... Today.

Thanks to @steemchurch for allowing us to bring the word of God to many Brothers who need Our Healer and Comforter Jesus Christ



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