Shine like a star

Every person performs tasks but not everybody performs outstandingly. Stars refer to those who do things outstandingly . God says you are a star, that means you are an outstanding performer.

" you are the light if the world. A city set on the hill cant be hidden"
-mathew 5:14

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Nothing shaddy will should be mentioned about your performance in everything you do.

Actions to take in becoming a shining star in your generation:

  • Decide to become an outstanding perform er in your vacation: To become outstanding means to be over your equal or peers; to be noted for superior quality; to deliver an excellence result consistently with every performance. "But Daniel brimming with spirit and intelligence, so completely outclassed the other vice-regent and governors that the king decided to put him in charge of the whole kingdom" (daniel 6:3)
  • Becoming a leading personality: you were created to be ahead in life. "And God blessed them, and God said unto them.....have dominion "( genesis 1:28). You are a leading personality; say it to yourself ! Live in this consciousness

  • Read books, study the scripture, rwly on the hily spirit and by wisdom you will "..... shime as the brightness of the firmament....(daniel 12:3)Operate in surpassing and divine wisdom: men like joseph and daniel stood out for their depth and command of wisdom #Denial 9:2.

  • Seek God for divine help: Total dependence on God is the highway to a life of unstoppable shinning and impact. "SOLOMON SON of david was strengthen in his kingdom, and the lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great" (,2 chronicles 1:1). It takes the grace of God to become exceedingly great

ARISE from the depression and prostration in which circumstance have kept you - rise to a new life! Shine ( be radiant with the glory of the lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the lord has risen upon you!" ( isaiah 60:1)

Prayer focus :

Father in the name of jesus, i take my place of glory and beauty. I am outstanding and excellent in a i do.

Study focus:
Daniel 1 & 2

GOD bless you


May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.

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The aim of this blog is to promote, preach and spread the gospel of our LORD JESUS.

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Nice write-up. Being outstanding is an attribute born out of commitment and hardwork at the things you do