in #steemchurch6 years ago



Throughout history, certain different people have been remembered for different things and this has to do with what they have left behind as legacy in their life. A lot of them have been known for terrible things and so also a lot have been known for great things.

Now this people we know throughout history, some of them good or bad, did not know how much their actions will shape history and the world at large. But one thing is clear, the ones that did well are definitely being remembered for it and are still looked up to.

Let us take a comparative case between Florence Nightingale and Adolf Hitler.
One as we know was responsible for saving lifes while the other was known for taking them in a senseless manner. When we take a look into their stories, we can see that whatever their motivation was, they both had different drives and also different values for life.

While Florence Nightingale went ahead to establish and lay the foundation for modern day nursing as well as having the highest possible distinction a nurse can be given, named after her. The other, Adolf Hitler, was known to be one of the greatest and terrible people to have ever walked the earth. He was responsible for mass genocide, the progenitor of the second world war and the holocaust.

He is considered to be one of the most terrible persons to have ever walked the earth, because of his numerous sins against humanity.

Now while these two examples given are far positive and far negative examples, we as everyday humans should strive to leave a positive trail behind. We can also look within our small community here @steemchurch and see what various persons have down for the growth of it.



@sirknight- the founder and leader of the first church on the blockchain, #steemchurch, will forever be remembered by each and every member of the #steemchurch in our various lives outside of the blockchain for the notable work he did in promoting the gospel in the way he could by starting up the steemchurch community.

His apostles and various parishioners also support the vision of the #steemchurch. And a whole lot of other parishioners who have rendered help and have been rewarded exceedingly well for it.

What then will you be known for and how will you contribute to the growth of your own community?


the great and final issue of redemption is to be the reputation of God. That’s the goal of all spiritual achievements. That’s the glorious climax of all things. God will have a universal and glorious and everlasting reputation!

Here in Ezekiel, the term “name” speaks of God’s reputation. We often say, “That man has a great name.” What we really mean is that his character results in a far-reaching reputation. O we might hear it said that someone’s name has been dragged through the mud---tarnished, or soiled.
Webster says that a reputation is “an estimation, favorably or unfavorably, in which a person or thing is held.” Think of some names with me. What do they conjure up in your mind?

  • Hitler: evil
  • Einstein: genius
  • Moses: deliverer
  • Michaelangelo: art
  • Rockefeller: money
  • Mother Teresa: compassion
  • Edison: inventions
    Where does God derive His reputation from?
  • His creation
  • His mighty acts on behalf of mankind

A good name the scriptures says is better than gold. A good name usually open a number of doors.

Thanks for sharing on SteemChurch.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Not to often you read Nightingale and Hitler in the same sentence. Nice contrast and nice post Xinese.

What we do today would determine how we will be remembered tomorrow. When parents give birth to a child, he or she is given a name. But only the child can add meaning to his name. Thanks for this fine writeup.

Thanks for this contribution bro.
We truly have to strive to do better.

Evolving your personal brand takes time and effort. You need to get clear on who you are in your career and life now, and what your vision is moving forward. Spending the time and energy to get to your authentic core and align that with your passion and purpose, will help you to define your personal brand and to answer the critical question everyone needs to know the answer to: what do you want to be known for? And it will play a more important role in your career success than you could ever imagine.

A powerfully delivered message we will surely be remembered for what we do, rightly so the bible said a good name is better than silver and gold,
We have great men who have affected history positively and others who have done so negatively, now how about their lineage? How will their children remember them?
So also in heaven we are going to be judged by the things we've done on earth and rewarded accordingly

We will always be remembered for two things. The problem we create and the one we solved.
We need to keep doing what is right and good

What we do today would choose how we will be recalled tomorrow. Exactly when gatekeepers deliver an adolescent, he or she is given a name. Regardless, simply the tyke can add criticalness to his name. Thankful for this fine writeup.

Nice one brother @xinese, this was the first gate way to salvation. As christ himself showed us in the bible. Thanks very much.

Nice message @xinese. What you are known for matters a lot

What a great message. certain different people have been remembered for different things and this has to do with what they have left behind as legacy in their life. A lot of them have been known for terrible things and so also a lot have been known for great things. One as we know was responsible for saving lifes while the other was known for taking them in a senseless manner. When we take a look into their stories, we can see that whatever their motivation was, they both had different drives and also different values for life. This is great a message. Thanks for sharing

wow amazing post

What we do today would decide how we will be recollected tomorrow. At the point when guardians bring forth a youngster, he or she is given a name. In any case, just the tyke can add significance to his name. Much obliged for this fine writeup.

A decent name the sacred texts says is superior to gold. A decent name generally open various entryways.

Much obliged for sharing on SteemChurch.