Cry out to God without condition or limits

in #steemchurch6 years ago

"Shout loudly, without restraining yourself. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Tell my people what their rebellion is, to the family of Jacob what is their sin. Day by day they come to adore me and pretend that they want to know my will as if they were a nation that would have done the right thing and never abandoned the law of God. They ask me for fair decisions and they are eager to get close to me. "

Isaiah 58: 1-2:


There are moments in our lives that it is imperative to break the limit of our need for God and what He can do with us, it is not time to surrender, it is not just a cry, Jesus said: "keep looking, asking and calling until open the door ", God calls us to transcend, learn and express ourselves in the middle of prayer. We can have a personality, but at the time of prayer we must be the spiritual men that we really are, to cry with passion and confidence in the God who will not fail us, the correct attitude to pray is to do it knowing that He has the best for us. I want to highlight three points:

First of all, we need to break the boundaries of our vision in the middle of prayer. You can not pray remembering the past, God always does new things, announced that he would give something totally different, even in the middle of the exhausting circumstance Jesus appears on the road, as it happened to Bartimaeus. A person who loses sight in the middle of his prayer is spiritually disabled, when you are urged by your miracle, you can not allow anyone to put on a straitjacket to try to isolate you or move away, if you have the need, cry out for your miracle. Many times, conformity makes us think that we are in another service, but today may be the day of your miracle, if Jesus were not among us, there would be no possibility of receiving a miracle, but He is here. We need to break the limits from the past and look at the vision!

Prayer is not to complain about another, but to exalt Jesus, no matter who cares or who does not, we will pray with the vision that God has something great. Jesus had an interest that people learn to ask for things exceeding the limits of their abilities, the hand of God reaches what is impossible for man, when the ways of science are finished, the impossible through prayer will be made possible Break the limits and barriers! Ask big! Ask for something new!

also in second instance, we need to break the limits of the old and start asking for something new, God has prepared something for us that we have never had, lived, or experienced, a greater glory, has new things prepared for his people. Prayer opens your eyes, there is a kind of prayer that brings to light what belongs to me, if you break the limits of your prayer, you have access to treasures that you were not seeing before, big things. Ask big! Do not be afraid!

Psalm 81:10: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt. Open your mouth and I will feed you. "

And finally, open your mouth to cry and pray, break the limits of passivity and customs when praying; If your miracle happens first within you, you will go beyond what you asked for, if God already did it once, he will do it again. When you break boundaries, start asking in a way that you had not thought of before, God is not going to give you something like what another has, He has something exclusive and new, do not envy what others have, you have to learn to pray to know how to ask.


The clamor is an urgent need to ask the creator, it is a cry of anguish, there is no tomorrow. We are in difficult times that unite we can make cry to God, the Lord said to Jeremias cries to me and I will answer you, and I will show you big and hidden things that you do not know.

God speaking thank you @xiore for this word. Blessings

How not to cry to the heights, where is the omnipotent. Shout without limits or restrictions in the midst of so much evil, crimes and our own sins. God always responds, let's not set limits. Blessings

El clamor de un hijo no pasa de ser percibido delante del Padre. Pidamos confiados en recibir lo que convenga a nuestra vida!