Freedom begins with ourselves, in most of the cases within each being there is a bond, the important thing is to decite it to be free of them. The human spirit is regenerated when it accepts the grace of God, who is Jesus, the savior. Happily, Jesus, the way of truth, gives us true freedom, that of the spirit, and makes us despoiling us of sins through the forgiveness and giving us love, faith, forgiveness, hope, solidarity, understanding, humility, temperance, trust, among so many other gifts. To seek it, to assume it and to conserve it is one of the wisest acts that we could carry out.
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Now Xiore - this is a really intellectual response. However, I am a simple working-class Knight, so I don't really get it. So tell me from your heart - what is FREEDOM to you Xiore?
ha.ha, ok beloved gentleman if I tell you in simple words for me the freedom is to get up every morning without burdens, knowing that everything we do is for the good of others and ours, and things we can not do we give it to God. The wisdom that the Father gives us is true freedom.