Talking about suicide is a common theme nowadays, every day the news is informing us about new cases and how they are increasing. This is not a new topic, since biblical times some cases of depression and suicide are mentioned that we will be mentioning later, but before we know more about these conditions.
Body: From the Latin SUI: from itself
Homicide: homicide
Act to voluntarily take life.

By some superstitious mechanism the term suicide remained mute for several centuries, until it first appeared in 1817 in the fifth edition of the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish language, despite the fact that the academician of Mexican origin Manuel Lardizábal y Uribe, who collaborated in his edition, he used it freely in 1780 in his Discourse on penalties. The literary Moratín also mentions it when he writes in 1794 in the book Contributions of England, where he ventures the melancholic character of the English is the reason why suicide is so common on the island.
It is considered that it was the physician and philosopher Sir Thomas Browne who gave life in his language to the word in 1653, in his work Rogelio Medici. From the English word suicide, it is translated into Spanish, inheriting its Latin etymology.
What the Bible says about suicide:
1st From John 3:15
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has permanent eternal life in him.
1st Corinthians 3:17
If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, because the temple of God is holy, and that is you.
Principles that prohibit it:
1 Corinthians 6:19
Or do you not know that your body is Temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you, which you have of God, and that you are not yours?

The early Christian church tolerated suicide until St. Augustine (354-430 AD) taught that it is a sin from which repentance is impossible, violates the sixth commandment and disposes of the life of someone who has not done anything to make it worthy of death. However, suicide was only condemned at the first Council of Braga (561 AD) one hundred years after St. Augustine. In the thirteenth century, the Synod of Nimes (Assembly of High Authorities of the Church) determined to deny burial to suicides in Catholic cemeteries and bury them at the confluence of two roads with a stake stuck in the heart so that the soul would not return to the earth to harm life.
Prohibition against Murder
Exodus 20:13
You will not kill.
The prohibition of killing is valid in all societies, if a society is going to exist it must protect human life.
Suicide cases have been documented in all cultures and at all times. Anaxagoras and Democritus died using the same method of starving themselves; that is where the term Anorexia (Dying of hunger) comes from. Suicide is a public problem of Mental Health which is tragic and potentially preventable. In 2000, suicide was the eleventh (11th) leading cause of death in the United States. It has been estimated that for every death by suicide there are 8 to 25 suicide attempts.
Suicidal behavior is complex. Some risk factors vary with age, gender and ethnic group and can still change over time. Suicide risk factors often occur in combination. Research has shown that more than 90 people who are killed have depression or another mental illness or diagnosable drug abuse disorder. In addition alterations in the secretions of the brain are associated with the risk of suicide. Low levels of a chemical have been found in the brains of patients with depression disorders, impulsive behavior disorders, history of suicide attempts and also in the post mortem brain of suicide victims.
Adverse life events in combination with other risk factors such as depression can lead to suicide. However, suicide and suicidal behaviors are not normal responses to stress. Many people exhibit one or more factors and they are not suicidal. Other risk factors include: previous suicide attempt; family history of mental illness or substance abuse; family violence, including physical or sexual abuse; presence of firearms in the home; incarceration; and exposure to suicidal behavior by others, including family members, relationships or even in the media.
The number of deaths by suicide was four times higher among men than in women, although the report of attempted suicide during life is often three times higher in women than in men.
Firearms are the most common method for committing suicide between men and women.
During the year 2000, suicide was the third cause of death among people aged 15 to 24 years, followed by unintentional injuries and homicides. Suicide was the third cause of death among children 10 to 14 years of age. Most suicide attempts are expressions of extreme anguish and not just a harmless way of attracting attention. The suicidal person should not be left alone because he needs immediate mental health treatment. Since suicide and depression are intimately linked, although a depressive does not have to be suicidal, it has been proven that a suicide was depressive.

The emotional life is full of ups and downs. But when low times are long lasting or interfere with your ability to function you may be suffering from a common disease called depression. If you are not suffering from this disease, for the love of your relatives or relatives who suffer from it, learn to quickly discern these critical signs and offer their love and support in times of need.
What is Depression?
It is a serious medical condition that affects the body, mood and thoughts of the person who suffers.
It affects the way you sleep and eat, the concept of yourself and the way you think about things. It is not the same as feeling sad. People who suffer from it can not heal themselves. If left untreated the symptoms can last for weeks, months or years.
Depression can attack any person, regardless of sex, ethnicity, or social, economic or professional status, but according to statistics, depression is almost twice as common in women as in men, but it is not known if this should be that women dare openly admit that they suffer from depression and are more cases of those seeking professional help than men.
Studies have shown that many men suffer from it and do not realize or do not associate physical symptoms with depression, and are reluctant to seek professional mental health help.
Never two people get depressed in the same way. Many people have only some of the symptoms, and these vary in their severity and duration.
Counselors regularly recognize three states or phases of depression. Most recognize it as moderate, serious and serious. We will call them discouragement, despondency and despair. Most depressions begin with discouragement until they become depressed and, unless a change in the thinking structure is achieved, they go as far as despair. If you pass the line of despair, it is possible that the depression becomes so acute that the person loses contact with reality and medical attention must be given even to preserve life.
Types of Depression:
Major Depression:
Sometimes it is known as unipolar or clinical depression, manifested through a combination of symptoms that interfere with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat and enjoy activities that were previously pleasurable. They can last at least two weeks, but often last several months or more. Episodes of this disease can occur once, twice or several times during your life.
It is a less severe type of depression, the same symptoms are present but they are long lasting, they do not seriously incapacitate, but they do not allow one to function well or feel well. People with dysthymia often lack the courage and enthusiasm to live, living a sad and tired existence that seems to many to be a normal manifestation of their personality. These may also experience episodes of major depression.
Bipolar disorder
O Manic Depressive Disease, is not as common as other forms of depressive illness, It is characterized by cycles of mood swings severely high (mania) and low (depression) frequently with periods of normal mood between cycles. Sometimes mood swings are quick and dramatic but are usually gradual. When the individual is going through the depressive cycle he may have all or any of the symptoms of depression, including disruptive cycles of depressive symptoms alternating with mania. In the manic cycle the individual can be hyperactive, talk a lot and have a lot of energy. Mania frequently affects thought, judgment, social behavior in ways that cause problems and shame. For example the individual in the manic phase can feel euphoric, with many grandiose plans that can vary from bad business decisions to having many romances and dangerous sexual relationships. If the mania is not treated it can worsen the psychotic state.
Symptoms of Depression and Mania.
• Persistent sadness, anxiety or empty mood.
• Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism.
• Feelings of guilt, lack of courage or impotence.
• Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you enjoyed before, including sex.
• Decreased energy, fatigue, slowness.
• Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions.
• Problems sleeping, waking up early, or sleeping too much.
• Changes in appetite or weight.
• Thoughts of suicide or death, or attempted suicide.
• Intensity, irritability, or excessive crying in women.
• Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to any routine treatment such as headache, digestive disorders and chronic pain.
• Abnormal or excessive exaltation.
• Restlessness, or abnormal irritability
• Disminution of necesity of sleep
• Notions of grandiosity
• Speak more than usual
• Volatile thoughts
• Increased sexual desire
• marked increase in energy
• Poor trial
• Inappropriate social behavior
Emotional symptoms of Depression
Although depression begins in the mind, it deeply affects the soul that is the seat of emotions. Let's see the most common:
Loss of affection:
The almost universal tendency of the depressed to isolate themselves avoiding the company of others, is due to the loss of their affections. It begins with a decrease in the love you feel for your spouse and children, and this feeling grows to the point of not caring about yourself, the others or anything in general. Unless this situation changes, the depression will gradually increase. Someone already warned: "Either you love or you die" Unless we love others we will destroy ourselves.
Dejection and sadness characterize the depressed. This feeling is so deeply rooted in your heart that it finally translates into your faces. When he is discouraged neither the cheerful bustle nor the amusements give him any pleasure. As depression worsens, he totally loses his ability to respond to good humor and feels resentful of the joy that surrounds him.
Job 3: 20-23
Why is light given to the one who suffers and life to the bitter one of the soul?
To those who yearn for death but does not arrive, and dig for it more than for treasures, Who rejoice exceedingly and rejoice when they find the sepulcher.
Why give light to the man whose way is hidden and whom God has encircled Because when I see my food, moans come out and my cries pour out like water.
Well, what I fear comes to me and what frightens me happens to me. I have no rest, I am not calm, I do not rest, but I am disturbed.
I cry:
A common symptom in depressed people is their involuntary tendency to cry. Although those who for years have not shed a tear, they start crying or they want to do it but they can not do it.
Any case of depression is accompanied by anger, at least in the early stages. At first it is directed against the person who rejected or insulted them. Later it has as recipient to himself, for being the cause of the rejection. It is not uncommon to listen to the depressed frequently: I hate myself or I am disgusted with myself.
2nd. Samuel 17:23
Seeing Ahilofed that they had not followed his advice, he saddled his donkey and got up and went to his house, to his city, put his house in order and hanged himself. Thus he died and was buried in the grave of his parents. (Because Absalom did not follow his advice to ambush David)
Passive people are easily irritable, and are particularly irritated against those who express energy and vitality. They resent those who enjoy good health, oppose those who try to activate them, and are capable of outbursts of noise that are routine at home. The music that normally calms them, now makes them uncomfortable.
They are even capable of curling by the solicitous requirements of their friends, because they do not think they deserve either the time or the concern of others.
We have the example of Jonah: (Jonah 4: 3,8,9) Seeing that the Lord had forgiven the inhabitants of Nineveh, he became so disappointed that he wanted to die.
Anxiety, fear and worry:
The feeling of loneliness and despair that grows during depression lowers the threshold of fear. The individual is afraid of being left alone, although he conceals it. Escape the past and fear the future.
Revelation 9: 6
Some wish:
In those days men will seek death and will not find it, and they will long to die, and Death will flee from them.
Most depressed people are struck by a feeling of hopelessness. They feel trapped by the circumstances that cause the depression and can not foresee a way out. Unless someone manages to inject a dose of hope into their thinking mechanism, the depression becomes more acute day by day.
Judges 16: 29-30
And Samson grabbed the two columns of the middle on which the building rested and leaned against them, his right hand on one and with his left hand on the other.
And Samson said: Let me die with the Philistines! And he bowed with all his strength and the building collapsed on the princes and on all the people who were in it. So those he killed when he died were more than he had killed in his entire life.
Causes of Depression
The specific causes of depression are still under close investigation. Imaging studies of the brain have revealed that in depression the natural circuits responsible for generating mood, thinking, appetite, sleep, and behavior do not function properly and that the brain chemicals used by cells to communicate are outside of balance. There are many factors that influence or trigger a depressive crisis, let's look at the most common:
Genetic factors:
There is a certain risk of developing depression when there is a family history of the disease, which indicates that a biological vulnerability may have been inherited. The risk increases for those with bipolar disorder. However, not all people with a family history develop the disease.
In addition, major depression can occur in people who do not have family members with the disease. This indicates that additional factors, possibly biochemistry, environmental stressors and other psychosocial factors have to do with the onset of depression.
Biochemical factors:
Numerous authorities in the matter attribute a ponderable percentage of depressions to abnormal glandular biological functioning. An abnormal thyroid is a wake-up call. Evidence shows that brain chemistry is a significant factor in depressive disorders. We know for example that people with major depression disease experience an imbalance in the substances secreted by the brain for the functioning of cells. In addition, sleep patterns that are influenced by biochemistry are typically different in people with depressive disorders. Depression can be induced by relieving sleep or appetite disorders with certain medications; some hormones produce the effect of changing mood.
We all have a critical point. Some people can withstand more than others pressures or depressive generating circumstances. But a prolonged period of illness increases our vulnerability and the side effects of some medications further complicate the picture. Dr. Ostow explains this dilemma in detail:
Some of the triggers of depression are exclusively organic. For example, those who have suffered from infectious hepatitis, suddenly discover that despite an excellent physical recovery, they have as a consequence a deep exhaustion of the nervous system, which not only diminishes their strength but also leaves them, often , depressed. When Hezekiah when the Lord told him that the hour of his death was coming he became depressed and turned his face against the wall (Isaiah 38: 9-12)
Environmental stressors and other stressors A significant loss, a difficult relationship, financial problems, or a major change in life have all been indicated as contributing to the depressive illness. Sometimes the onset of depression is associated with acute or chronic physical illness. In addition, some form of substance abuse occurs in more than a third of people with any type of depressive disorder.
Postpartum depression:
The mother is with feels for nine months, that a new life grows in her belly. Suddenly that creature comes out into the world, and the mother is empty and they impose a new lifestyle, and in many occasions, that little ball of flesh, is not the little angel that his mother was waiting for, but rather noisy, annoying, demanding creatures and They give off bad smell.
The frustration of the mother, the exhaustion, added to the feelings of guilt and remorse for not taking good care of that creature make the picture of depression continue. It may be that the mother has already had other children without experiencing the Postpartum syndrome, but it does not mean that in some other birth she will not suffer from this disease.
Other psychological and social factors:
People with certain characteristics, pessimistic thoughts, low self-esteem, a sense of having little control over life events, and the tendency to worry excessively, are more likely to develop depression. These attributes can increase the effect of stress situations or interfere with the initiative to deal with problems or to improve oneself. The form of parenting or expectations of the sexual role can contribute to the development of these characteristics. It seems that negative thought patterns typically develop during childhood or adolescence. Some experts propose that the traditional upbringing of girls can develop these characteristics and can be a factor in the high rate of depression in women.
There is no case of depression that does not start with a disappointment or an experience of disgust.
The cause of the disappointment can be practically anything.
For example, a parent can suffer depression due to the bad grades of a child, some children have been depressed by the negative reaction of the parents, due precisely to those bad grades. And people are one of the most common sources of disappointment. Due to the pressure to which they are subjected, to physical exhaustion or to a dozen other reasons, they may on a particular occasion become irritable, inconsiderate or offensive. If we give wings and insult to that offense or insult it for a long time in our hearts, it will engender a deep displeasure that will lead us to despair.
Poor self-concept:
This is one of the universal characteristics of the depressed. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to exaggerate this deficiency too much, and that often happens because they aim so high that they find it impossible to self-approve. This is particularly true of the perfectionist individual, who is never fully satisfied with his achievements.
Matthew 27: 3-5
Then Judas the one who had given Jesus, seeing that he was condemned, returned repentant the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders.
Saying: I have sinned by giving innocent blood. But they said: What does it matter to us? There you are! And throwing the pieces of silver into the temple, he went out, and went and hanged himself.
Judas was grieved that Jesus was condemned to death, but his pain did not lead him to repentance.
Unfair comparisons:
Every time we compare ourselves with someone who surpasses us, we invite depression. Discontent with what we have causes our thoughts to reverse and that generates depression. What happens is that most of the time we are unfair when making a comparison because we compare the weak aspect of our personality with the strong aspect of the other. Establishing comparisons is a harmful practice that must be discarded since we do not know the weaknesses of others.
When David defeated Goliath, the people sang: Saul killed a thousand and David his ten thousand, this caused Saul to become depressed and a spirit seized him and did not leave him alone, only with the music that David played calmed down .
It is the feeling of being trapped, that is, unable to remedy an intolerable situation. Feeling trapped is not only one of the determining causes of depression, but one of the main reasons for divorce. If a couple is forced to marry by an unwanted pregnancy, the husband or wife may feel trapped, and a period of ambivalence can trigger a state of anger. Although many couples do not experience such trauma in their marriage, however, they feel trapped, often because they did not realize their dreams or ambitions to do other things, to study a specialty or to have a house.
(1 Kings 16: 18-19)
Zimri when he saw that the city was taken, set fire to the house of the King and died because of the sins he had committed.
Depression never settles for yes. Always obey a cause. Even in the case of postpartum depression, when there seems to be no definite reason, the birth of the child triggers it. However basic and common are the causes mentioned above, they do not explain to satisfaction the true cause of depression, because there are many people who face all the problems there and have not suffered any depression. Why is it that some people manage to get away from depression and others sink into this problem? Actually some of the causes of this problem are not causes if you do not make excuses for depression, often it is because we like to inspire pity and feel compassion for us.
I heard:
Most people give some warning of their suicidal intentions. Suiciders often say things like "they would be better without me"
Observe the behavior:
Suiciders may give away possessions that are meaningful to them, change the testament, and sometimes say goodbye as if they were gone forever.
Recognize the signs of depression:
Many of the people who are depressed are not suicidal, but many suicidal people are depressed.
Piada helps when someone close to you needs it ...
With relatives, loved ones and friends.
With your religious leader or teacher.
With a specialized institution, for example, the SPEAK project
Steps to overcome depression
** Steps to overcome depression **
No one enjoys depression, although all have been victims at some point in his life. Some people are affected more than others depending on the degree of self-pity they have incurred. Depression does not settle because of the body's kinism, the others, or the pressures of life, if not our own mental attitude towards the stresses that induce depression.
**1. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. **
No one has the capacity to escape depression without God's help. Unite the errors of modern psychology lies in the presumption that man does not need God's help to get him out of depression. Jesus Christ said: Without me you can do nothing. (John 15: 5) and this is particularly true in the case of depression. If we want to expect a lasting victory over depression, we must begin by inviting Christ to dwell in our lives. Once this step is taken, we will have the divine resource that enables us to give the following.
**2. Walking in the Spirit **
Accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and walking in the Spirit daily, are not identical experiences, the latter of course will be made possible by the first.
The most important step to be filled with the Spirit is the total surrender of our life to Christ. A selfish life always ends in depression. The making
Christ be the daily Lord of our lives serves to avoid self-pity, debauchery, self-centeredness and all the many expressions of selfishness.
** Do not stop gathering (Hebrews 10:25) **
Every time we have to make a decision in our lives we must ask in the spirit of prayer "Lord Jesus, what should I do about it? In general, we suddenly remember a verse or a biblical principle that enlightens us.
If we act in light of that verse or that principle, we will make the right decisions, if we do not do so once again we will fall into the hole of error. A life controlled by Christ is a life free of depression.
**3. Forgiving those who sin against us **
It is impossible to walk in the spirit for a prolonged period of time if we refuse to obey Christ's orders to forgive those who offend us. (Matthew 6:12) People prone to depression never forget the fact that a loved one or a relative rejected or offended them at some point in their life. In short, do not forgive that person, they will never know a lasting victory over depression. Nor will they achieve spiritual maturity.
**4. Let's renew our mentality daily **
As we have said before, the only way to transform our life in a lasting way is to renew our mind with the word of God. The ways of this world are so opposite and contrary to the ways of God that it is almost impossible to find spiritual help in the secular world. Therefore, just as we feed our bodies daily, we must feed our mind with elements that contribute to their spiritual development. Every wisdom wing comes from God and we find it in his library of divine truths called the Holy Bible. Only by reading, studying, meditating, memorizing and listening to their wisdom will we become the mature Christians that God wants us to be, established in faith and abilities to overcome the tendencies that lead us to depression.
**5. Form creative images every day through prayer. **
It is important to devise images of ourselves and our goals every day on the screen of our imagination.
** Not forgetting the following: **
Thanks to the cross you can have the security that belongs to Jesus.
Before receiving Jesus as your Savior, you were away from God because of sin, but after you trusted Jesus with regard to your salvation, there is nothing that can break your relationship with Him.
Romans 8: 35,37 says: "Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger or sword? Before in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. "
Thanks to the cross you can be assured of its value. You are so valuable to Jesus that he was willing to give your life to save you. Romans 5: 6 says: Because Christ when we were still weak, in his time died for the ungodly, certainly not one will die for a righteous, yet, it may be that someone dares to die for the good. But God shows his love for us, in that even though we are sinners, Christ died for us.
You did not deserve to be free for doing things right. Jesus saved him because he loves him; Your salvation had nothing to do with what you have done. Your mistakes and failures also do not define the value you have, this can only be done by the Lord, and He says it was worth it to die for you.
Thanks to the Cross, you can be sure that you are competent. Remember the promise of Jesus: And I will pray to the Father, and give you another comforter, to be with you forever (John 14: 16,17). This is the Holy Spirit who came to dwell in you from the moment you He was saved, and will allow you to carry out all that God has asked you to do.
As long as you walk in full obedience to the Lord He will give you everything you need to be successful. God will not forsake him or leave him alone. He will give you all the understanding and all the capabilities and strengths you need, so that it becomes all that he wanted it to be when he created it.
We must never forget the power of God and how He can take us out of that condition of depression, we should only put all our trust in Him, in life there will always be situations that can make us sad, but we should not let ourselves be overcome by falling into depression, even if we do not have to anyone who loves us, or at least think it, we must know that God created us with a purpose, we are not an accident, if God took the time to create us it is because it has a purpose for each one of us.
Every Christian must have his eyes fixed on God and remember what his Word says:
John 16:22 "You also now have sorrow; But I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. "
Psalm 30:11 "You have changed my lament in dance; You untied my sackcloth, and girded me with joy. "
Upvoted y Resteemed
Thank you for sharing @xiore, this publication is very interesting, these are two scourges that are present in our society, it is good to know that there is one who died on the cross of Calvary and when he said it was consummated, he took all depression, suicide, vanquished death and won the victory for you and me. Good job.
I was suicidal until I met Jesus or the reality, until Jesus found me! My suicidal thoughts came from my choices in life. Reaping what I sowed, having a burden of guilt from letting down the people that loved me most.
One touch from Jesus on the day of my conversion and I never had those thoughts again. There is a demonic aspect to this. It is the enemy of our souls that want us to die before we can receive eternal life by faith in Jesus!
I needed no counciling, no mood changing drugs!
And for the guilt.
Heb 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
Super detailed and informative post. Let’s keep our eyes open and love on people.
God bless!
Daddy William
Suicide is a sin and we should shun or flee from any spirit that would push us to think about it, as long as there is life i believe there is hope... So why commit suicide!?? Remember we are all gonna pass through dark tunnels but at the end of every tunnel there is a light.
Suicide is a sin which is impossible to repent from. The Lord said He will destroy those who destroy His temple, and we are His temple, willingly take one's life is a sin punishable by eternal damnation.
Suicide isnt a way out, its a sure path to eternal imprisonment in hell.
Out of curiosity, does that equation include small children who have committed suicide, in your belief system? For example, a 6-year-old boy who has suffered extensive abuse at the hands of his father and that little boy decides that he cannot take it anymore and he ends his life? Does he go to Hell after he dies?
Thank you @xiore for always hammering on the issue of depression, because it is a menance innour society that leads to sucide amongst other things, we ought to be careful what we say to people because we dont know who is going through a trying period .
It only takes the grace of God to help us escape these words because they work hand I'm hand. A depressed individual is liable to commit suicide. May God help us.
People have taken suicide to be easy way out of the problem of this world daily in social media ir about suicide every where and the devil has taken it to be a medium of claimon souls foe himself.
Are you sure about that?
The emotional life is full of ups and downs.most depressions begin with discouragement until they become depressed and, unless a change in the thinking structure is achieved, they go as far as despair. We must show people around us love when we noticed they are depressed, is always very good,you must depend on God for everything because As long as you walk in full obedience to the Lord He will give you everything you need to be successful.
This is a really inspiring post:
You will not kill.
When God said: Thou shalt not kill, He wasnt giving a suggestion.
Killing someone, or oneslf, is A SIN!
Steem on...
excellent post, the reality is that when God is out of our lives a great void is created, that many people fail to fill with absolutely nothing, and fall into the world of self-pity, feeling the most insignificant of creation, but when we accept the truth (Christ) comes from someone beautiful to inhabit our heart (the very center of the human) The Holy Spirit, which if we give him the opportunity, will cleanse our mind, soul and heart from all traces of depression, taking us out of the darkness and showing us that so valuable are we for God.
Steemchurch? You're undoubtedly a devout Christian. However, in view of all the research that you have done on the reasons behind suicide, you don't appear to believe that all suicides go to Hell when they die. Where does that belief that all suicides go to Hell even come from? My mother is Catholic, and she has read the entire Bible; but nowhere therein does it say anything about all suicides being guaranteed eternal burning and eternal torture in the Lake of Fire. It seems that such a belief regarding suicides is an archaic one that has long overstayed its welcome in modern-day religion. The Young Turks on YouTube claimed that such a belief came from the Romans. It really seems like an old wives' tale to me.