SteemChurch: Parable of the Talents

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Text: Matthew 25: 23-35

Talents teach that unequal gifts employed with equal fidelity will have equal reward.

Matthew 25: 14-15 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a man who, going far away, called his servants and gave them his goods. To one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to each according to his ability; and then he went away. "


The master divided money among his servants according to his abilities: no one received more or less money than he could use. Talents represent different responsibilities, which must be exercised according to each one's capacity.

Matthew 25: 16-17 "And he who had received five talents went and bargained with them, and gained another five talents. 17 Likewise he who had received two also won two more. "

The first two servants, although they had different sums of money, were equally diligent and doubled their capital. In case he did not fulfill the task assigned by his master, he could not excuse himself saying that he was overwhelmed.

Matthew 25:18 "But he who had received one went and dug in the earth, and hid the money of his lord."

The servant that only one talent had, did not put any diligence; I do not take advantage of your opportunity. I dig on land.

Matthew 25:19 "After a long time the lord of those servants came, and settled accounts with them."

This is an indication that the return of Christ will not be immediate,

Matthew 25: 20-23 "And he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, you delivered to me five talents; here you are, I have gained another five talents on them. And his lord said to him: Well, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you much; enter into the joy of your lord. And he who had received two talents also came and said, Lord, you have delivered two talents to me; here you are, I have gained two other talents on them. His lord said to him: Well, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you much; enter into the joy of your lord. "

When the Lord returned, the first two servants had different sums to present, but both presented one hundred percent of the gains and received equal praise and rewards. Good, good servant and faithful.


Fidelity is the virtue that is examined.

About much I will put you. Part of the reward consisted of greater responsibilities and privileges on the part of the Lord. Enter into the joy of your lord. Participation of the believer in the joy of Christ, that by the perfect fulfillment of the will of the father.

Matthew 25: 24-25 "But he also that had received a talent came, and said, Lord, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and picking up where you did not scatter; 25 Therefore I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent on earth; here you have what is yours. "

Failure could only be attributed to two things. "Lazy or hate your master." The useless servant, with his expression reveals a totally false concept about his lord. Hard man. Rough, cruel, ruthless. You reaped where you did not sow. That is to say, you take advantage of the work of others. You pick up where you did not sow.

The servant is accusing his master of picking up in his barn what another dropped from his shovel of winnowing while separating the grain. I was afraid. It puts as an excuse his fear, to render accounts for possible losses. This servant was blind to the fact that his lord was a generous and loving man, who wanted him to share in unspeakable joys.

Matthew 25: 26-27 "Your lord answered and said to him, 'You wicked servant and negligent, you knew that I pick up where I did not sow, and that I pick up where I did not scatter. 27 Therefore, you should have given my money to the bankers, and when I came, I would have received what is mine with the interests. "

If the servant really feared taking risks in mercantile adventures, he should have deposited the money in the hands of bankers, so that he would earn interest.

Matthew 25: 28-29 "Take away the talent, and give it to him who has ten talents. 29 For whoever has, it will be given, and he will have more; and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. "

Therefore, the talent of this negligent and rebellious servant is taken away and given to one with greater capacity to use it profitably.

Matthew 25:30 "And throw the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "

Money as used here represents any kind of resource that is entrusted to us, God gives us time, abilities, gifts and other resources according to our abilities and expects us to use it wisely until he returns. We have an obligation to make good use of what God has given us. The question is how much we have, but what we do with what we have.


We should not look for excuses not to do what God has called us to do. If God is our master we must be willing to obey him. When we neglect and do not take advantage of what we have received, we become rebels and deserve punishment.


Thanks for sharing this parable of jesus with the @steemchurch, i find this really interesting and educative..... Upvoted and resteem @abiye

Indeed this is a motivational message, and i am glad i came across this post this morning as it has add a postive impact to my life

The parable of talents in my opinion teaches about the gifts God has given to us and how to those who don't utilize their gifts will be held accountable and those who do will be rewarded.

It's one of my favorite parables which talks about accountability.

Thanks for sharing this with us, The parable is always touching,let ask ourselves what are doing for God, there will be excuse when the kingdom come, we must start are work now... Shalom

This parable has always been so touching to me. It makes me understand how much care God has for us and how much he is willing to do all that is required to bless us. But the problem has always been how we misuse God's gift in our lives. We have to understand he is the only way to appreciating what we have.

Thanks for giving us such a motivational message this morning. I read your post and this part I indeed like it "We should not look for excuses not to do what God has called us to do. If God is our master we must be willing to obey him. When we neglect and do not take advantage of what we have received, we become rebels and deserve punishment"

This is a story that we all should learn from God when he created us gave us everything and will. He gave us talent si that we can be abke to use it to his glory but we have useless it and waste it on things which are nit worth it.
The story of talent teaches us that we all should be ready to give accounys of all the things we use our talent and time for when we were still on earth to the living God in heaven.
Remember to always do things for God while you are still alive .

Great message. I celebrate the inspiration and the grace to express what was inspired

This parable is a big lesson to believers who does not appreciate the gift of God on their lives rather they complain of how small it is instead of maximizing it.
It also shows clearly that people who puts into use God's blessings will be adequately rewarded and those who do not will be punished
A whole lesson to be learnt, this is beautiful

This are my prayers for your good work you'v done on steemit:

Ephesians 3:16
"i pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being".

Isaiah 60:5 NIV
Then you will see and be radiant, And your heart will thrill and rejoice; Because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, The wealth of the nations will come to you.

Those are my prayers from you today and so shall it be.