Optimists have a strong spirit that somehow comes from their core and makes them not give up in daunting situations. For as long as I can remember, I've always seen myself as an Optimist. I look at the bright side of things and never let my failure get to me. I see it as a obstacle and problem that needs to be solved and only when you moved passed it can you truly be successful. At different point in our life, we are all faced with a problem that needs to be solved, how well u approach such problem matters greatly because it all comes down to two things; success or failure. We're all familiar with that feeling of wanting something so bad that at the last minute, we end up not getting it, some people would feel so defeated and give up so easily while others would fight and never give up until they truly get it.
That right there is a major difference, while others accept failure, some move pass that failure and fight back till they're actually successful. I also believe that for this to be actualized, Patience is the key element one should adopt and without it well, you won't go that far ahead. Now the question is;
Should Optimism Be The Default Behavior Everyone Should Adopt?
Answer: YES. SourceI strongly believe being Optimistic pave the way to a happier and stable future. By thinking Positive, you are creating a positive life and connecting the dots for you to arrive at your goals and also you have hope for a better tomorrow rather than having negative thoughts. Creating negative thought gets you nowhere and it even draws you away from your goals. But yet again, one should never ignore the failures, I admit it’s never easy moving pass the failure but you should always learn from mistakes and errors and use that knowledge to try and make your future better.