Do not be deceived; God can not be mocked: for whatever a man sows, that will also reap. (Galatians 6: 7)
An evangelist barely got around to preaching a teaching on Galatians 6: 7 when a man in the audience stood up and shouted, "I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT."
The evangelist replied: "FRIEND DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH The truth is true whether you believe it or not, and a lie is a lie whether you believe it or not." When the meeting ended, a police officer waited at the door to arrest the man.
He was found guilty of theft and sent to jail for twelve months. "This gentleman reaped what he had sown."
Improdunte habits are like sowing winds. An uncompleted word, an immoral activity, talking with lies, a choleric look; all this will give results.
On the other hand, a wise word, a spiritual activity, a smile, a word of testimony, a gift, a treatise on evangelization, none of this will be empty.
Happy and blessed day, may the peace of God be with you today.
This is some thing good to right on ..really worth it ,good stuff 👍
Thumbs up for steemit @steemit for providing good source of work
If the man was arrested then there's an arrest report. You wouldn't make stories up for Steem would you?
I believe in God, but I don't believe your story.