2 Pedro 1-19
We also have the sure word of prophecy, to which you do well to be attentive as to a torch that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;

To be attentive to the word of God, and receive instructions from him for our lives, we have to have a DEVOTIONAL daily, which will allow us to be instructed and to be filled with his word. Studying the word of God must be a necessity like that of eating. there is no food that resembles the spiritual food you receive when you search the word of God.
2 Timothy 3: 16-17 which says: "All the Scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in righteousness, so that the man of God may be perfect, fully prepared for all good work In the time of devotion with God, He only wants to prepare us as his word says in 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, prepare us for all the circumstances that life presents us.
What is a Christian devotional?
A devotional is a special moment of the day dedicated to communication with God and the discovery of his word. Through meditation and prayer it is possible to come into direct contact with God and harmonize our life in many aspects.

If we have devotional time, communion with God is strengthened. Through his word. God talks a lot about communion with Him. When life seems like water that is spilled, and although a word of reproach appears, in the end, God gives us his word: "YOU are my son", man always forgets, we know but not We forget who we are as people, and what we have to do.
If we have devotional, God continually confirms that we are his. When our identity falters, He tells us: "You, man of God", "You, woman of God". Just because of this, we have no reason not to have our devotional time.
Second we come to know how GOD WISHES TO GUIDE OUR LIFE Having the devotional time, we receive the guidance of God. When we are in the middle of a problem that is humanly difficult to solve, God clearly gives us the solution with a verse of his word. In some cases. we read the word of God, as for example about Jesus, when he has compassion for the sheep that do not have a shepherd. Reading the word of God is not throwing letters every time you have devotional time. When we need it, God guides us specifically on our way, through his word. But, to be guided in this way, we must first have full trust in God.
Third, it provides us with the strength to continue on the path that God guides. Although we know what the road is, it does not help us if we do not have the strength to follow that path.
We must take time to do the devotionals and thus meditate on the word of God, there is certainly a blessing for the one who meditates and enjoys his word day and night. The more devotion we have, the more the longing for his presence grows. The more the word of God is analyzed and repeated, the greater is its grace. The truth of the word of is holy and it helps us to turn evil from our hearts and from life
the importance of starting your day with God can not be overemphasized
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