in #steemchurch6 years ago

Text:Luke 17:14

Taking a good look at them, Jesus said “go and show yourselves to the priest, and while still on their way, they became clean

All around us today, God seeks to display His mighty power on behalf of those who call on His name. Too often we frustrate Him with our disbelief. Faith provides an avenue for the entrance of God's power into our lives. If you are already a Christian, faith is something you possess, faith is a gift wrapped up waiting for you to accept it and open it. Faith is more than a mutual belief and acknowledgment, faith is action, because after you have believed, you must act out your beliefs.

In the faith business, you have to venture. It is quite easy for fear and doubt to easily mingle with our faith. It is also easy to lose your faith not because you gave in to any foolish arguments that challenged the root of your faith, but because you refuse to feed your faith with God's word. You See, the beautiful thing about God's word is that it cannot be contained in a book. God told the Israelites to write it on their door post and on the tables of their hearts. A Jewish proverb says “bind them around thy neck”. This is very instructive because given the pattern of our daily lives, we can easily forget.

The bible tells us a story in Luke 17 about ten lepers. Jesus had just crossed the border between Samaria and Galilee, when ten lepers met Him. They kept their distance but raised their voices calling out “Jesus, Master have mercy on us” Taking a good look at them, Jesus said “go and show yourselves to the priest” They immediately went and while still on their way, they became clean. They could have asked Jesus to touch them or pray for them or ask them to go and perform a ritual, He simply spoke and they believed. Is this the way you treat God's word in your life.

Faith does not believe that God can do it; it believes that what God has said in His word concerning you will happen just as He has said it would. Much of what is wrapped up in God’s word for us can be tapped through obedience. Like the ten lepers we must begin to do as God says without questions or any form of hesitation. It is not your business to work out how God will do what He has said; your business is to believe that He will do it.