- "The Difference Between Believing in and Following Jesus" - spoke to my heart directly in the face of a difficult situation I am living.

Because I could spend the day with my family - having lunch together, walking together in the car, enjoying together the beautiful day I was doing: the sky, a blue sky - the sun, bright and hot - the clouds, white and fluffy like washed cotton - the green mountains and snow-covered snow, perfectly clear and clear against the sky. I don't know how many photos I took - every curve on the road offered a new panorama, a new view to capture through my photographic lens.
But I could not see or photograph what a friend, resting and looking at the sky, did observe and film: a heart in the sky.
Julian says: "This photo is very special, I took it with my cell phone while resting looking at the sky, I seemed to see the heart of God full of love showing me how much he loves me, I really felt that way when I took it."
It made me think of how great and at the same time how detailed our heavenly Father is. He can and does like to move the winds and clouds in the sky so that, for a few moments, they form a heart - so that one of His children sees him and remembers how loved he is for Him.
We know and believe that God loves us, because He says so: “… With eternal love I have loved you; therefore I extended my mercy to you. ”(Jeremiah 31: 3) -“ Since you are precious in my eyes, worthy of honor, and I love you… ”(Isaiah 43: 4). And Jesus, the Son of God, told us before dying on the cross for our forgiveness and our salvation: “No one has greater love than this, that one puts his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
Yes, we know it and we believe it. But sometimes, at least for a few moments, it helps to see that love in a visible and tangible way. For me, each petal of a white daisy tells me that God loves me. For Julian, it was a heart-shaped cloud in the sky that showed him how much God loves him.
Friend: Do you know how much God loves you? Do you believe it Have you been able to see and verify through His creation how loved you are for Him? Sometimes you just need to be quieter and be more observant than we have around us. Sometimes a simple flower or a small cloud in the sky can show us God's great love for us.