Freedom to me is the ability to express his/her thought and speech without being executed or jail for it. Relating it to our society, freedom to the people means to do the following
- Totally responsible for your life
- Freedom to worship in any part of the world.
- No discrimination between the status quo (Rich and Poor), everyone stands equally
- No taxes, no one should take money from you that he(government) didn't work for.
- No monitoring of your activities and threatening to jail you(tax default)
- Lands belongs to the owner not government
- Security is everyone's job not just the government agency.
- No government agency like child protection coming to take away your child with legal terms and stealing your child to a stranger(Adoption)
- No one above the law and everyone judged equally
- No social credit score carried on the citizens by the government to enslave the citizens and control them.
Wow Yungchief - some terrific points there. And I agree with all. But to be honest - I don't mind some level of taxation - but a government should never, ever, be allowed to run a budget deficit. Run a deficit they should be sacked immediately. At present, ever nation on the planet seems to running massive deficits - I hear that Russia and Iceland might be a couple of exceptions.
Well, I feel jail term is way too severe punishment for tax defaulters depending on the circumstances.
When it comes to deficit, my country president has been running the country with no budget and the budget hasn't been signed by the parliament. And nobody to sack anybody
No-one being sacked for running deficits these days unfortunately - the Marxists expect them to be run.
Yes very true. They are referred to as CABALS. And this leads to where our freedom of speech has been taken, and no high profile individual or politician dare speak up out of the fear of risking jail term.