STEEMcleaners Avatar entry

in #steemcleaners7 years ago


contest.I have created this avatar for @steemcleaners as an entry for their

Here are all the color variations using their color scheme and STEEM colors as well:

This are the samples at 300x300px, ready to use as PNG with transparent background:

steemcleaners-logo01.png steemcleaners-logo02.png steemcleaners-logo03.png steemcleaners-logo04.png steemcleaners-logo05.png

Here they are 73x73 pixels with and without the name:

steemcleaners-logo-small01.png steemcleaners-logo-small02.png steemcleaners-logo-small03.png steemcleaners-logo-small04.png steemcleaners-logo-small05.png

steemcleaners-logo-small-noname01.png steemcleaners-logo-small-noname02.png steemcleaners-logo-small-noname03.png steemcleaners-logo-small-noname04.png steemcleaners-logo-small-noname05.png

Proof of work

This was made using ADOBE Illustrator CS6, with current STEEM cleaners logo as reference to decide to use an octopus/squid and for the colors.

My idea was to make an octopus in the most simple way, using uniform shapes and just a few colors. The STEEM logo was necessary to appear so I find a way to put it so it took an important place. The name STEEM cleaners is clear and big enough to be seen and recognizable, but I thought in the small version there was no need of the name, since the icon is enough to be recognizable for the project.

I hope you like it!


Loos great. my favorite is the one you already have at the very top.

awesome it really speaks itself, keep up the great job

Hey I liked the cute octopus you designed and when will you know if you won?

feb 15th I think =)

Nice, you hace a good chance of winning, good luck 😊

thanks n_n I am crossing fingers!

That's awesome :) Did you take a look at Curie Logo Design Contest? I think you could create a great logo for that too. There are 200 Steem in the pot.

D: I haven't had time :(

Wonderful! Looks cute but tough! Ready to fight spam and abuse. Best of luck, Fabi. <3 This is my fave entry.

Thank you!!:)

Those are sooooo cuuute!!! I can see them going all over the steemit cleaning bugs lol. I love them!

They clean from spam, plagiarism, identity theft etc! They nees to be brave grrrr! XD

Es agradable visualmente en cuanto a estructura y colores, pero está como bravo y entiendo que ese es el concepto, lo percibí de inmediato. Me gustó. Saludos y que sigan los éxitos amiga...

Gracias! Aguas con el pulpo!!

Me gustó su mirada vigilante. Mucho éxito Fabi :D

well done granny !! very well ejecuted!!
i like it ..

octopus power

Those eyes intimidate ;)

they have to intimidate spammers and plagiarists!!!

Great work, @fabiyamada. Have a nice day.

who supports me with a vote I give a vote

Your 100% vote is 0.001 and my 1% vote is 0.02, do you think it is fair what you are asking here?

Ah.. I forgot a bunch of heads. Hard works.


The yellow line. That is bunch visual. (Headband)