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RE: Announcing SteemCleaners, the Steemit Abuse Fighting Team!

in #steemcleaners9 years ago (edited)

But how is this group not an "authority" - I write my own content - but I am also interested in practicing what I preach as a voluntaryist - suddenly there is a group who decide what content is authentic - I mean - I guess in a police state that we live in - this kind of situation is inevitable - but I thought the "witnesses" were the ones already here to "keep it honest" - it does not sound like it's going to work to me... herein lies the problem we all shall face - lack of patience and lack of creativity - once you build a "new" structure within the structure there has to be patience and time for the statists to calm down and start to become honest - dishonesty is a product of external government - maybe steam-clean could be "temporary" so that it does not become a secret police force -


I think you were right the first time - the steemit government has arrived...

Calling us the secret police is a bit much. In fact, the goal of steemcleaners is to be MORE transparent than what we were doing previously (a bunch of un-organized vigilantes flagging abuse), by producing logs and having a single account where you can watch and scrutinize our actions if you so choose.

And, that is still what we are -- not a governing body, but a group of vigilantes that want to protect steemit, but also guide new members to doing things in a productive way.

Feel free to check our second post and give feedback if you disagree with any principles, we are reasonable people and will listen to the community.

yea - I think the least possible organization is best - because organization becomes rules. I am sure it's well-intentioned - governments always begin as well-intentioned. Individuals just want to abdicate their personal responsibility for taking care of themselves - hence organized government, religion, etc -

dishonesty is a product of external government

And of greed which (on the short term) can be rewarded in non-repeating prisoner's dilemma scenarios. Many have already extracted value from this system through abuse without getting caught because individuals weren't organized enough to catch it all. Witnesses validate the blockchain mining process (and price feeds), not the content on the site. If you think something is happening secretly, talk with people openly here and in the chat about it.