Nothing new here. I pulled him up on this shit a long time ago. No point though. Dude just acted a like a child and posted some silly illuminati shit. If his followers haven't caught on by now, they really deserve to scammed anyway.
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I disagree. Nobody "deserves" to be scammed. There ARE mentally-challenged people out there. They deserve the same amount of consideration you would give to someone who you would consider "intelligent." The type of person who takes advantage of the lesser-informed around them, without being transparent about it - I can't say that I like those types of character traits in a person, at all.
You are completely right. Thank you for reminding me not to be a dick.
Was that a Satire?!?! Are you making fun of me?!?!
Haha. No, my friend. It genuinely was not. I try my best to be conscious of what I am thinking and saying at all times, but I am not infallible and I fuck up way more than I would like to. Your comment showed me that this was one of those times when I was too quick to pass judgement. So, I thank you for the reminder.
Haha poor chap he is so deluded, he is implying he's some insider Illuminati, it's his role playing fetiche, can you imagine a more pathetic figure? But he IS dangerous in the sense that many handicapped people find this scammer first on youtube when searching cryptos. I watched him for a week and wasn't sure if his followers were being sarcastic when praising him or for real... It seems people are really getting scammed big time.