Steemcleaner Report for August 25, 2017 Part 2

Continued from: Steemcleaner Report for August 25, 2017


LinkAccount AgeAbuse CategoryAction
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismcheetah, Commented
Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented, Flagged
Link2 weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link2 weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link2 weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link2 weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link2 weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged, Nuked
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksTag SpamCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksSpamCommented, Flagged
Link2 weeksUnverified IdentityCommented
Link1 weekCopy/PasteCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented

Thank you so much for providing this much-needed service to our community. I can imagine what you're doing is fairly time-consuming and I am happy to see the payouts on these posts are pretty decent.

I'd like to send you a few steam dollars as a token of gratitude since my upvote is only worth about $.23. This is my way of giving back to the community especially since I have done so well my first month here.

If for some reason you'd rather I not do this please reply. Otherwise I will assume it is OK and I will send you the donation in an hour or so.

Hey, thanks for that! The donation will go to the community members whom are fighting abuse. :)

For all this arduous work, greatly necessary service and constant relentless quality service, here's a bunch of tokens of appreciation. Namaste :)

This is nice, however. :D

Are you serious!

I can't believe you just spammed @steemcleaners comments.

This post is interesting!

good post👍👍

Buen trabajo

¡Great work! Keep doing it my friend, you are making Steemit a better place.

great work, good pot!!

@steemcleaners great work have a good day thankyou

Hey I've just upvoted you but take down your irrelevant comment from my following post
