Steemcleaner Report for September 26, 2017 Part 2

Continued from Steemcleaner Report for September 26, 2017


LinkAccount AgeAbuse CategoryAction
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysSpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksUnverified IdentityCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Linkless than 1 dayUnverified IdentityCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Linkless than 1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link1 weekComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link2 weeksComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekComment SpamCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/PasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto Plagiarismcheetah, Commented, Flagged

Here's extra tokens of appreciation for the crew that keeps it true. Namaste :)

@steemcleaners Why you downvote my post. I am original writer of that post. You ruined my reputation score. Why yu did that ?

good post, amazing. useful for me

your post is great, you should get a lot of rewards, thank you for sharing, do not forget my vote 100% yes, let's help fellow

stinky cocksuckers i will flag every fucking post you ever write.........marking my article as a spam?? even though i wrote it and i own copyrights!! you stinky fucks................i will fuck your bloddy dead mom on a cross in a church