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RE: Steemcleaner Report for January 15, 2018 Part 2

I do not know who or what is the problem with @bloom but we (my partner and I) are fairly new to steemit. Even though our account says longer we only became truly active on here about a month ago and since then have been doing our best to produce quality content and make new friends mainly in the "Conspiracy" section. For me it all began when I notice herrleeb posting a few messages saying that he was being downvoted or speaking about how "Censorship has found its way to steemit" I did not understand at first until I noticed that he was getting downvoted heavy so I looked at him on the steemdb and seen it was a character named @bloom doing this. I attempted upvoting herrleeb where I could to try to "repair some of the damage" and it resulted in an onslaught of flags against my posts and personal comments that has not stopped yet. As of this morning I counted 17 fresh downvotes against me. I hear that since @bloom is 44.4 reputation that once I reach 45 he pretty much cannot hurt us anymore but the problem is that every single time that I work my way up to 40.x he downvotes me down again into the 30's. If there is anything that can be done about this or you have any suggestions please help. I can handle a little criticism but my partner took it real bad that her hard work was removed from eyesight and the person who is doing this gives no reason... He just censors our content. Thank you in advance for any help that you can offer and listening.


I appreciate the situation you are in but unfortunately it is just a part of steemit. Part of being a decentralized platform means that there really isn't anyone in charge, its up to the community to police itself. Everyone has the right to vote their stake up or down for whatever reason they see fit.

Steemcleaners can help in cases of plagiarism, identity theft, etc.. and other things laid out in the Abuse Guide but we can't do anything about flagging wars. People choose to flag for any number of reasons, disagreement about rewards, plagiarism, or just out of spite. Your best bet would be to talk to the person and see if you can figure out why they are flagging you and if you guys can work it out.

Other options would be to write a post about what is going on and sway community support to your side, gaining some upvotes and restoring your rep. You can always power up more steem (not an option for everyone, I know) to the point where you have more SP than he does and you don't have to worry about his flags anymore. Sorry I can't be of more help, hopefully you are able to get things worked out.

Understandable.. I believe the situation has been resolved. Thank you for your advice.