10k monthly is a lot. What will happen to the profits from running the exchange (fees)? For that amount of funding I would expect them to be burned
10k monthly is a lot. What will happen to the profits from running the exchange (fees)? For that amount of funding I would expect them to be burned
There won’t be fees that’s the point of proposal, it won’t be for profit. With source code is open anyone can replicate or start their own version of exchange. For profit entities could start their own version with added benefits if necessary.
Ok. I like the open source part, but it doesn't sound like you have any business model behind it, so all funding would have to come from the SPS, forever?
It is for 6 months to deliver foundation of the project. If there is business model behind it then project shouldn't be funded via SPS. In my opinion, SPS is not built for funding for profit businesses. For profit businesses/projects should be funded from their profits. If there is business model or fees, why would you support it?
But if there is no business model, you either need to fund running costs for servers, support, maintenance/development and possibly security audits and legal stuff from the SPS forever, or you don't run the exchange at all, in which case either the code is abandoned after 6 months or another party runs an exchange, and they would need to fund their costs as well, probably with the aim of being profitable.
Does developing a DEX require changes to the Blockchain itself that you will do and if yes how is that aligned with Steemit Inc's plan for an SMT dex (if there are such plans)?
This proposal is for developing toolset and opensource software. So potentially anyone could host and run on their server and start instance of it. Proposal is for developing not for sustaining, that's why we mentioned that after 6 month we will re-evaluate further development of the project. If community wants fee based model or some other type of model, it will be evaluated in due course of time. I am not aware of anyone working on SMT dex. Steemit Inc might have plans but I am quite confident they will be focusing on communities feature and front-end. Even if they get done communities UI in very short time, they might still choose to work on other things or their mobile app, etc. because steemit is social app (property of Steemit Inc.) not an exchange (dex).
If Steemit Inc is not working on an SMT dex, this proposal is certainly worth being funded through the SPS, but you should check with them first
Every stake holder can/should find out for themselves, if it takes less time and funds for Steemit to build it, what feature sets will be part of it. Because ultimately it is their vote, I did ask Steemit, so we will see.