OMG Im more impressed at this comment section! I can tell Furion's Upvotes must be worth $1.20 because every comment In here is up over $1.20 like furion made sure to hook up all his commenters with some free upvote love! When i show my instagram an facebook friends how just a freakin COMMENT can earn them a dollar they immediately singup!
I thinl I have found a new strategy to gain followers! You go tell ever personu see on the street every person you know in real life to go singup for steem and to follow you, you tell them if they follow you, youll follow them and upvote their posts, maybe send em a dollar in steem, i barely ever have to actualy send that dollar in teem as noone asks for it, people just singup and immeditaly get hooked and make thei own money! But I would have no problem sending $1 in steem or SBD to every new person I got to singup in real life! They will end up sharing your posts getting you more than that dollar back!
you can make yOUR OWN followers ! dont get JELOUS of @furion or @jesta or any of these amazing whales making thousands of dollars per day! They are basically all working for that money as developers or programmers or marketers! And AND just remeber! by upviting theese whale posts YOU get a cut! and comment something helpful and theyll notice you!
BUTREMEMBER steemit is only 172,000 members! so imagine if you yourself, got 1 MILLIOn instagram foollowers to follow you here on steemit! youd end up making MILLIONS of dollars! youd make more than EVERY whale NOW here on steemit!
we dont even have 1 million users yet! and our marketcap is alreay about 300 MILLIOn us dollars! and people laugh when they say steem marketcap will never hit 2 billion? are u kidding me? if facebook is worth 200 billion we are worth 2 billion at least! And were already .3 billion is it so crazy to magien us hitting 1 billion by this year?!?!?!?!
There is more growth for steemit on the way than we have ever seen so far!
There will be people making more money here on steemit thanANY otheer socia media platform
people ALREADY make thousands a day off facebook and instagram you just NEVER SEE it! here onsteemit its all out in the openand people are amazed!
Imagine if everyone could see your bank account, lol dating sites would be simpler, steemit will become ultamite dating site because youll be able to see how much money soeone has right off the bat
Steemit is like the internet in 1999 S much potential so much money to be mae BUT ONLY A SMALL GROUP has the vision to make it possible AND EVEN THEy dont realize just HOW BIG this internet thing would turn out to be!
steemit will assimilate all