Unlike Reddit, Steemit has its content on a blockchain, which makes things transparent to users.
How cool would it be if you could see exactly how each post evolved over time?
I made an app that does just that.
It works with top level posts as well as comments.
All you need is a steemit.com link to the post.
I like it a LOT!
(try to imagine Jim Carey's character in Dumb and Dumber, Lloyd Christmas, saying that :)
I now expect to find some deliberate easter eggs within edits - like special messages/ jokes/ what-have-you, for only edit-searching-eyes to see. Maybe we can get some inside jokes going within the edit-searching community, eh?
Yes, this could be fun!
very nice!
It would be great if we could see that a post/comment has been edited with some subtle icon on steemit.com
Agree. Reddit puts an asterisk. It it is very subtle but lets readers know.
Is that like the asterisk they want to put beside Pete Rose's name if they ever let him in the MLB Hall of Fame?
In a sense it is. When something gets voted on and then later edited, that can be pretty misleading.
It is true! Like the pine tar on the bats over the years in the same content. Nice to hear from you, one of your struggling #
friends, Barry lol
Hey @smooth, I hope you do not mind this here / related and it may be of interest to you
I was a last minute scramble to get on the show and get settled but here is the This Week in Bitcoin show that finished about an hour ago -- all 3 guests were Canadian which was a first for sure, for Adam's show! I have not been on a show of any sort in a long time, so I am finding my legs still LOL -- 40 mins approx. Discussed Liberty/Steemit/Bitcoin/LiteCoin etc.
Great work and very useful.
I'm still not sure, how this full-history-is-visible (=basic feature of any public blockchain ) will work in a long run, when steem(it) hits mainstream, having dozens of million users...
You know people will publish everything, this means even the nastiest stuff you can imagine, they will use it, misuse it and abuse it. Obviously I believe in freedom of speech but there can be harsh times, when people will say "Freedom of speech is nice, but security is more important."
I'm really curious how things will settle. And sometimes I'm not sure it will be for the best.
Anyway, thanks again, things you do are just great :-)
Fair concerns.
That's the price we pay for censorship resistance. If someone decides to use the Steem blockchain for organizing terrorism or for distributing child porn, I suggest the transparency would work against them, exposing them to tracking and potentially facing consequences for their actions.
In perfect world: yes.
In real world: you believe politician will bother to do all the tracking and analysing? Or will they just ban all Steem, put it behind firewall...
Maybe they will not ban BTC 'cos it is very expensive to spread information on BTC blockchain, with Steem it is not.
Governments banning Steem will be a necessary test of the robustness of the blockchain.
True. I will be test of STEEM price as well, though.
Government bans thing, thing gets more expensive and popular. Happens with everything. Alcohol during prohibition. Drugs, marijuana, ivory, precious metals, even US dollars in Venezuela. We could have the same thing with cryptocurrency.
This is such a powerful tool for seeing what might be the thinking behind the writing and can easily see reasons why we could use such a tool in the future.
Thanks for sharing the results of your efforts with us. All for one and one for all!
Namaste :)
very cool! was just wondering if something like this existed yesterday, like facebook's "previous edits", but this is even better! looks similar to a github change commit 👏
yes, my intent was to imitate GitHub style, as it is very easy to read and understand exactly what changed.
Nice work.
lol nice y'all can see all the typos I make. ;>
Man, me too. So many dumb grammatical errors. Oh well, people can also see that I work to correct things.
Good job.
Finally someone made this feature online. Earlier I had wrote a plugin, but apparently querying from database is simpler and more efficient.
The feedback on this post is amazing.
Very cool ive been waiting for a tool like this thanks @furion :)
I was forced to remove a post from a family member about my grandmother's funeral. I knew one day I would be able to recover it from the chain data, today seems to be that day. Thanks!
This is fantastic, thank you @furion!
This is really a nice tool @furion. Thank you!
I can't get it to work on my first comment to this post.
It runs on irreversible blocks on the blockchain, which is about 45 seconds after posting.
To get the link for your comment, try steemdb.com
It appears to work on my much older comments, like more than a day old, but comments within the last 3 hours aren't showing up.
Ahh, I see the issue. Will fix it shortly.
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing!!! How did you discover that anyway?
Thankx!!! I deleted my introduceyourself due to some issues of bots. Now if I can figure out what all this mess is, it will be easier than reloading everything!!!maybe...
Awesome! I was thinking about this functionality this week and thought it was probably a low hanging fruit if time spend to code it versus usefulness. That being said I pretty much have no idea how difficult or not it turn out to code it. Congrats for pulling it off. It has been long awaited.
Great work, brother! I think @jesta also did this couple days ago on steemdb.com, nicely done... use case of databases! :) By the way, will SteemData have API?
Yes, it will.
perfect @furion
thanks, great information.
Goog .. Thanks
Great 👏😀
interessante gosto de novas ideias
Amazing! This will be really helpful for bring transparency to conversations, no screen grab required. Big up! 😆 👍
Wow amazing voting
This is excellent for curation purposes. Thank you @furion
so many apps ...I am getting confused but hanging in there to follow up also on yours. Looks great and good to have.
This is great! Thanks! :)
Wonderful! I've been wanting something like this for a long time. :)
Brilliant! 😆 From a quick glance, I didn't realise so many authors did spelling, punctuation and grammar corrections after posting! Maybe I'll start doing that more too 😅
Nice, I'll have to see how this works.
What a post! A beast!
Congrats, good work my friend.
If you go to a single comment page, e.g.:
Then click the link and follow our link to phist, it looks like your app doesn't support single comment history. We can either change the link modal to not include phist in the list for comments, or you can update phist to support comment permalinks like
This bug is a result of my cheating. I disabled the cheat, increasing page load time from few milliseconds to a few seconds. Proper fix (for performance) coming soon.
Perf. issue fixed.
I also relaxed the parsing rules a bit, so now it will work with @user/permlink as well: https://phist.steemdata.com/history?identifier=@sneak/re-neoxian-running-steemit-locally-update-20170217t033415071z
You can also use full URL's (incl. reply-to urls)
We're gonna drop both the category and the @-symbol from the URLs on steemit.com pretty soon, so it'll just be
. Maybe a month or two.Hello, @furion,
Just stopping by today to say a hearty "Thank You!" for this spectacular utility.
I was trying to help a friend discover whether or not an older version of his post had been preserved on the blockchain. At first, I did that "the hard way" using http://steemd.com to check.
Then I discovered this terrific utility of yours. I've now passed it along to him, and will also steer anyone else possible towards it.
I am going to put a link to your article on my Library Steemit Shelf as soon as the Steemit UI problem of edibility of articles older than seven days has been resolved, or as soon as I find a work-around for that problem personally.
Thank you again for a fantastic utility! ;)
Today I don't seem to be able to get this to work?
but it says it does not exist, but it does.
What am i doing wrong? I'm trying to review the previous version of https://steemit.com/eos/@eosgo/two-new-criteria-for-eos-block-producer-candidates-in-report-9
Your "Try it out for yourself" link goes to the following =
How can I get your app?