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RE: Introducing SteemData Notify

in #steemdata8 years ago

This is a great idea. To me it bothers on the security of the account owners. It makes a whole lot of sense to sign up for this and I know it will receive massive adoption for the following reasons:

  • It does not ask for any of your keys during sign up
  • It will just send you e-mail alert when someone tries to tamper with your account.
  • It is very mobile friendly as I was able to setup on an a android phone.
  • the authentication method is easy with just sending 0.001 sbd to @null.

@furion is a great developer. I admire his dexterity and wisdom in app development especially how he factors what most people will like in designing his app architecture and features.

I expect more self enhancing steemit apps from him and like developers.