STEEMdating - Could It really Be Possible...


Could it really happen? Speak with your personal or favorite poster on steemit? 


Maybe you liked or attracted someone from the introduceyourself post? How could be this possible? 

It would be discouraging for some people to just comment and exchange more data with people in the comment section.. Lets face it, some people are more shy than others, or they want some privacy in their love-section.

Steemit has a solution to it, but its yet to implemented... ITs called private message...

Saddly i ve been trying to find out how it works, but documentation is missing for the moment... 


Fellow, fallen in love, stemian.. dont worry there is a solution... Love always finds a way :P

The way i am going to describe, is a little hard.. but it is said love could move mountains right? 


First of all, we need a cli_wallet.. you can get it on windows and make it work through here

or a general cli money tranfering guide

After we have unlocked our cli_wallet, we are here:


Its time to reveal the trick...

The trick is sending the smallest possible amount. of steem or SBD, preferably SBD cause they are cheaper...

>  transfer steemychicken1 steem-id "0.001 SBD" "#encrypt test" true

Use it like a normal transfer.. the only difference is that we use "#" right before the message we want to sent.

and using an encrypted memo within the transaction... Only the receiver and you... will be able to read that message... No one else... on the blockchain it will appear like:


This was a test message between @steem-id and my self... Thats the only thing, all the others could see on the blockchain...

Lets go again on the cli... 

And see our encypted message:

How is it possible seeing our latest transactions? Here is the command.

>  get_account_history steemychicken1 -1 1

i ve sent it to myself this time... and you can clearly see that the message is DE-crypted... 

In the command numbers -1 and 1 are used for


gethelp get_account_history
from: - the absolute sequence number, -1 means most recent, limit is
        the number of operations before from. (type: uint32_t)
    limit: - the maximum number of items that can be queried (0 to 1000],
        must be less than from (type: uint32_t)

in other words you put -1 for the latest action your account made. and 1 to display 1 querry. You can use different numbers in case your secret memo was before some other transactions, votes, donwvotes, comments... etc... 


You MUST import the memo_key in the cli... Remember from the hack that we changed our keys? That number 4 key.. is the memo key.. :)


Thats all... a little tough.. but what is love without difficulty.. and some troubles in the way? 

Is sending this way efficient? No!! but its a way noone can see it... from thanking someone... to dating someone.... to even selling stuff.. (you know what stuff....its already $2000 on the trend page) :)

#steemhelp #steemdating #dating #girls


Once you have found your true love on Steemit, you can confirm your love and even get hitched on the new Expanse Borderless GUI just launched. :)


hey darling... you didnt give me 6 block confirmations today... No kisses and sex for you... until i get 6 confs on the blockchain :P

send_private_message steemychicken1 steem-id "this is a message test" true true This command works!!!! but i cannt see where this message goes, or how can i read it.. :)

I would date only girls with at least 100,000 Steem Power

love at first steem!

And then the first steemit marriage wow :-)

i think we might see this one comming :)

Are we going for most expensive first Steemit honeymoon?

Count on my vote!

Wow, the first Steemit Wedding/Honeymoon post will probably garner enough to pay for the wedding and a downpayment on a house hahaha can't wait

In theory, someone can just create a GUI-front-end for this type of blockchain-based-messaging and make it far easier for everyone.

That is funny! Because i thought just about this myself. If i had been single i would have considered making a post about dating! That will be another trend! You could meet on #steeming and continue conversations in another platform! Great ideas for messaging though!

The idea is nice. And yes, you could post your official love declaration on Steem. I mean the post will be stocked in a blockchain that is indestructible uncensored and accessible to all. That's a nice proof of love!

With PM's implemented this will all be possible and is in the works. Remember the beta sign. :)

it is in the works... i just posted that for people that are in a hurry :)

I am a dating escort sometimes too... :)

Why not SteemDating can be implemented.

You just got a vote from @dantheman. And you have one from @berniesanders.

Like I said in my comments on the @cryptoctopus post yesterday, keep dreaming up new ways to use this platform and you will be rewarded!

Similar to SP, SMD tokens cannot be purchased directly on an external exchange. SMD are primarily earned through contributing but can be purchased by converting STEEM tokens to SMD tokens.

Actually Steem Dollars can now purchased on external exchanges !

PS Abbreviation of SBD = Steem Backed Dollars
or just SD = Steem Dollars (not SMD please edit)

Encrypted dating sounds like nerdist dream...

Dating? interesting idea but if you are busy steemiting, does one have the time for a date? :-p

A Steem dating site would be a brilliant idea.

Why not?

Dates would be cheap. Just need somewhere with Internet connection!

and some good looking internet girls :P

...and men!