EXACTLY! U build up steempower by SUPPPORTING OTHERS!
i have beeen TRYING to tell all these selfish people "Ask not what steemit can do for you,ask what you can do for steemit"
be Service to Others not Service to Self
When u are worrie about your own account balance peopel can tell and they get turned off!
When u are AONLy worrying about helping others, peopel like that! and u will benefit yourself!
Yes man THAN you for ALSO explaining how a self vote from a second account wont do much unles that second account has stempower which SOOMEONE has to buy! U cant just create vote bots like reddit or view bots like youtube! To make money here on steemit SOMEONE with steempower has to upvote u! and steempower isnt free like karma on reddit , its like bitcoin, noonees gonna jst give out free bitcoins anymore! same with steem!
anyway yes PLEASE getthis through your foollowers heads that ENGAGING WITH THE AUDIENCE is what helpes you! upvote al ur commenters and respons to them with upvoting minnows walls and showing them you did it! like this!
to a minnow givving them a few cents per post is great! it shows that things are happening at least!for anyone watching, see how i just upvoted all of @elfspice rrecent posts and took a screenshot and showed him? And my upvotes are woorth 1 cent at current power so att least its something!
Now, I just followed you! ccuz i see i have already been following your other accountt l0ki! so bravo and keep spreading the light of trth to brn through the fog of ignorance!
toooo many people here who thin they haveiit all figured out!
This aiint no democracy and it aint no commune! I wish minnows would understand the perspective of whales who SACRIFICED MILLIONS of dollars that they COULD have made with ethereum, JUST to support steemit, and they get ATTACKED for fucking making a TINY but of money when they COUL have made 1000 times as much with ethereum! And these minnows have the NERVE to coplain about whales making "too much money" ??? I know u are an oldschool whale who joined a year ago so u must have alot to say about this! u should explainto more minnows how much whales have lost from NOT cashing out and just invsting in ethrum..JUST to suppport steemit.....and how if u have the steempower YOU DESERVE the money EVENif u have to self vote! they are YOUR upvotes and u deserve to do whatevr ru want with em!
No good deed goes un punished!
You're missing the whole point, you can transfer Steem to any account you make. The only delay would be a one-time power down.