woah i just thought i must have posted on chainbb...but woah this is cool!
i hink self voting on a post is ok if u are just posting a few times a day....i meean its your steempower
upvoting alll ur own comments might be seen as different but nope its totally ok if u arent making enuf money (in your mind)
i dont self vote comments (on purpose) but i will self votte posts! why not? i also give out way more upvootesto other sers than i ever give to myself!
but if u are struggling but u gave the steempower u have everyright too pay urself
its all good tho this change is good! ANY few optiions are welcome!!!
i hoope we have more optiions foor all sorts f stuff! like option to post private messages via pgp encryption lol that will be fun
i guess we can alreasy do that now
wow steem witnesses have alot of power if they work together! i love this syatem!
ppl coomplaining about whales having too much powrr are just alll super jeloys and envious that they didnt buy steempowr when it was 110 cents!!
its ok everyone will be EXSTATIC once steem goes to $3 again! peopel will be SO happy like during the hard form everone will asicaly have thri money double!
I cant WAIt to see all the peopel who are in fights right now all becoming friends thanks to everones wallets dooubling in size! for anyone who has a thousand bucks in steem they will be making the easiest thousand bucks ever! (if they havent ben in crpto before)
and then ppeopel with $10,000 or $100,000 will be on cloud nine! making $10,000 to $100,000 all in one day , it will be glorious! so many whales will be giving out powrful 100 percent upvotes!
Short term rewards versus the long term benefit of engagement will win out in the end, as my own account history testifies.
My account testifies the same thing. But i upvote myself and pay to build stuff. So which is it?
I refused to get a witness unlike some even though i could have had one. Because i oersonally thought it was unfair. In a world where force is used to dictate action, everyone..including idealists like me are FORCED to cheat and be criminals in a system built to help us. So in game theory u are giving people less incentive to do anything good VOLUNTARILY because their good deeds may put them at a distinct disadvantage against people who find ways around the systems put in place.