Steemify is LIVE. Get it in the App Store now for Free!
This app will inform you about ANYTHING happening on your STEEM account(s) or the accounts of others.
Votes, new posts, mentions, replies, new followers, power downs and more! All pushed to your phone with ease and stored in a convenient list for later review.
You can add as many Steemians as you like!
The app will only require a Steemians Username. No keys.
Key Features
With this app, you will never miss another mention of your @username ever again. Every time someone mentions your username anywhere, you will get a push notification right on your phone.
No need to be logged into a browser or refresh all the time to check if anyone has commented on your most epic post. You'll get a push notification right on your phone when someone makes a comment.
Waiting on that boatload of steem to arrive in your wallet? We got you covered. The minute you receive that liquid Steem or SBD in your account, you'll be notified. No more need to refresh the wallet page anymore.
Of course, you want to know how your post is doing ! See upvotes and the weight with which they've been given right away.
You can add as many accounts as you wish and receive notifications for all of them. Got multiple accounts of your own? sure. Want to know if that friend has posted yet? ping. Get notified of any action of any account that might hold interest to you.
Get an instant notification of any powerUP or powerDOWN on your account(s). You'll be the first to know if your account had been compromised. You won't get an early warning system faster than this.
There is no need at all to worry if either we or anyone that might hack your phone would get a hold of your keys since we don't need your private posting or active keys. Because of this, our app is the most secure of them all.
(You can log in using the in-app browser though to reply to comments, this is just as secure as using safari.)
Thank you for your support. We hope you will enjoy our app as much as we do and that it will greatly enhance your experience on the Steem blockchain.
We hereby would also like to inform you that we are a witness for the Steem blockchain and would appreciate a vote if you think we deserve it!
Have a great day and enjoy the app!
Kind regards,
ps. Special word of thanks to our Beta testers!
Without all these people willing to test our app and providing valuable feedback, we could not have done it.
We can’t thank you enough!
For some testers, we don’t know their STEEM username, but here are the ones we do know (and should get a nice notification via Steemify now):
@heimindanger | @felander | @photolander | @pewuf | @h2opro | @dayleeo | @dudutaulois | @heroic15397 | @jeffjagoe | @evildido | @shortcut | @juanmiguelsalas | @bellringermusic | @clio | @michaelzeitgeist | @mike50 | @cryptonik | @oroger | @gikitiki | @teamhumble | @roxane | @rubenalexander | @ongoingwow | @cryptocowgirl |
@aerithe77 | @progressivechef | @rival | @coquiunlimited | @markangeltrueman |
If you support us please vote here
Be sure to check that it says blockbrothers below the manual voting field.
Only press 'VOTE’, the green round button will cancel your vote. for @blockbrothers
Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain
Get in touch:
[email protected] | [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/blockbrothers
WOW just like Gina bot @reko showed me, its going to be very useful for TRANSACTION notifications, THAT is what will make steem compete with Paypal and other "Money Apps" like venmo, getting a notification on your phone about receiving money is VERY dopamine/serotonin release worthy.... you get a rush when you see it, sometimes if you are poor the rush is better, when your wealthy or just desensitized to smaller amounts you require a larger and larger amount to feel higher and higher from, so seeing that you just received some money on your phone is REALLY important for "The Shift"
I must admit I was already using @etseem but esteem just doesnt load my new notifications anymore probobly because there are too many now heh i turned on everything but I wanna see when i get an comment upvote follow evrything! and esteem kinda doesnt work so well anymore i dunno what happened, it just wont post comments sometimes, but ITS SO CLOSE omg its SO FUCKIN NICE when u load up esteem and u can just give out money to people, if esteem could register new accounts itd be as good as a bitcoin wallet,. but yeah anyway since esteem doesnt work so well yet i have to use This now for notifications
you f*cking genius, I want to come to SD and talk...
yes man come to San Diego and u are always welcome to come talk, text me 619 302 0398 or call when u are here man we can even surgf my parents surfg like everyday and have a big surf community like my mom and dad will get 60 likes eevrytime they post their surf pics and have hundreds of surf friends i wanna bring that surf communiy tos teemit with their own front end where they can earn money surfing and posting surf stories surf pics surf videos, when communities comes out ima do a whole Surf Steemit community where members are able to win surf trips surf boards fund their surfing vacations with post rewards etc etc
Lol money alert is one of the things that makes me smile when I'm sad
This is so cool!!
Outstanding features all in one app! Thank you for helping us better track our interactions on Steem.
Thanks! Let us know what you think if you decide to use it.
Thank you, Jerry! Enjoy the app!
Just downloaded it, very nice and simple to use, thank you!
Fantastic! Enjoy it!
Working perfectly!
I guess I'll buy an iphone...
A small sacrifice :) Thanks for your vote on this post. Would you also be willing to vote for our witness?
Awesome downloading now. Thanks to @blockbrothers for bringing us this great new tool.
Your welcome!
Are you guys planning it for Android as well!?
We want too in the future. But first we would like to perfect this version.
Sounds like a great app...+1 for an android version. I for one won't see it in action until then.
In my part of the world there are more Android users than ios. We are patiently waiting. Great job
See my wall.
Can't wait to see it on android! Good job though!!!
Wonderful! I look forward to seeing how this compares to and hopefully exceeds the eSteem app!
No love for android users?
Downloading. :)
Awesome, hope you like it, but if not, please also let us know so we can improve it.
You can do a little better
I will do it. Something I do not like are colors. You can ask me for designs and I will help you.
This app is awesome! Thanks to the blockbrothers!
Nice, now I don't have to check Steemit.com for updates every 5 minutes!
I'm trying to download it, thank you!
@blockbrothers ... Looks like a great app, and should keep one's phone really busy. Might check it out on my Android. I'm also curious as to what happened to the SteemWhales site. It never updates much and might even be dead in the water. Update please!
Just downloaded the app! Any guesses as to which year steemit passes facebook in popularity?
@blockbrothers I can use your app from my IPHONE with upvoting and even adding content? ~@bluerocktalk🖖
You could, but it might not really be convenient. You could log into the in-app browser and easily upvote comments, but as it’s mostly a notification app, posting would be easier through your normal browser as the in-app safari is a bare bones one and lacks some controle you might need.
Yes! I need this in my life! Any prospects on an Android app?
Not yet, I'm sorry. All I can say is that we're working on it but do not have an ETA available. We'll keep you informed through the @blockbrothers account.
Alright cool! Looking forward to any updates so following @blockbrothers! Also, if you guys are in need of a designer, feel free to hit me up. Would love to help you guys out :)
See my wall.
This is awesome! I want it. ETA for Android?
We want to but there is no ETA yet. We first want to perfect this version.
Allright, could be a good approach, keep up the good work! I assume the blockbrotherhood will keep us updated here on Steem, so I'm following you
Probably asked before but how much do the app creators take off the rewards pie?
0%. It's a notification app.
This is amazing. You guys have really worked hard to produce a quality app. Congratulations on a job well done!
Thank you so much!
Great program. Tell me, is it planned to release to Android?
We want to but there is no ETA yet. We first want to perfect this version.
Anyone can help me i am needy person can give me some steems
Well done, guys. All your hard work paid off and now you are established as top class developers on Steemit. Congratulations on your success. :)
Thank you so much @rea!
Thank you so much! It's a shame you don't have an iPhone yet ;)
Will be waiting for your Android version, lol.
I have really been missing this since I got my husband to start posting to Steemit two days ago. I have installed it and now just waiting for some activity on my account to see it in all of its glory.
Here, have some activity ;)
Worked wonderfully!!! Thank you!!!
This is astounding exertion. You alongwith your team have truly endeavored to deliver a quality application "STEEMIFY", Congrats and well done!
I really appreciate you. soon I download it.
Thank you!
Android please :'(
See my wall.
I'm probably spamming by writing "see my wall" continually, so I'll just come out and say it once - I have an Android (and Firefox and Chrome) notification app for those without iPhones that will be pulled soon unless it gets some support.
Oh no, you are enabling the addiction of steemit! We are doomed to success and full 24/7 steemit access.
Haha! The app is pretty addictive indeed.
The other app esteem, upvotes any post posted from the app. Will yours have a similar function?
That is awsome App..
Thank For Share..
Thank you!
On it like a Scotch bonnet.
Enjoy the app!
%age stats are quite interesting. Looking forward to the day when I can actually denote weighting!
I had a couple of users show up as not found, @welcoming being one, but I’m sure it’ll all iron out.
The age stats are indeed interesting. We had to because the app has an internal browser.
Very recent new users take time 'to be found'. Our dev is working on it.
Yeah I suspected as much. All good though, I’ve just been through and put my follow list in now!
Yeah congrats!! it’s such a great app!
Thank you so much!
I just installed the official App!!!
This comment will be the first in my Steemify Feed.
Very exciting. Congratulations @blockbrothers!!!
Awesome! I hope you will get this comment too!
Steemify test complete.
All systems GO
wow that's great news indeed, i am so excited and i am on my way to download it from app store, if i found any problems then i tell you later, thanks for creating such amazing app for us, Stay blessed
Thank you and enjoy the app!
This was much needed application. Thank you @blockbrothers for this quality release.
Thank you so much! Enjoy the app!
I'm using it for a couple weeks now and the last few remaining quirks got fixed. Gold version approved! Hoping you will get the userbase and support you deserve :)
Nice! Great work. I will get it soon.
Thank you!
Great, congratulations. I was happy to be part of the testing phase of the app
He man! Thank you! thank you for testing and we hope you will enjoy this and feature releases!
Excellent this is just what I needed to better manage my account! Downloading!
Awesome! Hope you enjoy it!
Is there a way to open the notification in safari? For example, someone post something new, and I want to write a comment, but I need to go to safari and search for the post. Is there a way in which the app open the post in safari automatically?
We've noted this as a feature request. Shouldn't be too hard to implement, so it might be in the next version, given we have enough time.
Thanks! Well in the meantime I decided to just log in using the app. I suppose it’s just as secure as safari Right?
Exactly, it's basically a stripped-down version of Safari running in the app.
Hey! I see sometimes the notification of a new post from someone else appears several times inside the app
Why is that?
Fab thanks for this. . Ill give it a go
Cool! Let us know what you think!
Congrats guys! Stull using Steemify daily and really enjoying it-
Question: do you have any plans to build in notifications for when your posts get resteemed?
We’ll certainly add it to the list of possible updates. The legwork had been done already, so chances are really high it will be in the next update.
awesome to hear! will be looking out for it for sure :)!
woohoo! :)
nice done. is there anything like that for PC? When I'm on the run, I aint got time to work on Steemit, but I can do that at home.
Check my wall.
Wow awesome thats crazy app i am waiting for this kind of app thanks alo
You're welcome, glad you like it!
Looks awesome, resteemed to my 4500 followers!
Thank you!
Awesome guys, well done. Do you use analytics if any kind?
Thanks! We only record the number of downloads right now. We could pull some stats on how often people use the app, but thats about it. There’s no specific analytics built in, because we respect your privacy.
Glad to hear it!
This is a dream Apps. I cant wait to grab it. Would make things simplier. Thanks @blockbrothers. Thanks @benniesandars. This post deserve resteem that I have done.
Wahou !
I'm so happy to see your app on the App store. You fixed bug incredibly quickly.
Can you tell me if the beta app is always necessary ?
If you install the official version from the App Store it should update your current version to 1.0.0. You can keep the TestFlight app if you want to participate in future Beta testing, but otherwise it’s safe to remove.
If you upgrade from Beta to the final version, the settings will be reset. This is a one time thing only because we swiched to the production server.
Please let us know if you need help.
Similar to that GINA app for discord, very nice to have notifications for steem , makes it just like using Paypal
Quite enriched with features great that it just need username and thats all. But I wonder how it handles every account activity without password
It only uses publicly available information from the blockchain, so a password/private key is not needed. When you login to your account via the built-in browser, the login cookie is stored on your device (like Safari would).
thanks for feedback. let me know is it available in google play store?