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RE: Steem Devs: What do we need to add to the "Steem Developer Portal" in order to make it more useful for community developers?

in #steemdev7 years ago

supposed to be doing. Someone internally needs to recognize what's required to attract community developers and make it happen. Better documentation, for example, is good for both the Steem development team AND us, and productive developers make Steem worth more.It's in Steem's best interest to get their act together on product management and community outreach (which includes pretty much everything in @timcliff 's post and all our comments.) I know many of the posters here want developer names but we shouldn't be talking to the developers. I know, I know, but that takes them away from what they are

Just look at this Steem valuation from coingecko. Look at what it includes, things like development and community -- us! We're part of the valuation. Judging only by it, the developers are busy (86%) and the larger community is suffering (17%). Look at the overview, community, developer, and tools tabs. Is it completely accurate? No.

I don't ask for the developer names. I would like to know who, if anyone, is dedicated to community outreach and making promises to us. (Then I hope someone is dedicated to product marketing -- Coingecko and others have to get their info from somewhere or it's made up.)

btw I'm new here and trying hard not to judge so soon but I'm used to the mobile phone companies fighting like crazy to attract developers. Steem has a good blockchain technology and a bunch of tools and that's an excellent start but they need more.


I plan to work on improving the documentation :)

LOL Well, I think that's great as I'm stuck on the installation! I don't know about you but I can bond with other developers over a glass of wine, I don't need a struggle.

What are you trying to install?

Python and Steem on a Mac and I've never used Python. I'm getting what appears to be a pretty generic "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 when installing Steem. Python 3.6.4 appears okay... I'm sure I'll figure it out. :-)