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RE: Statistics request for developers: Self-upvotes pre-HF18 versus HF19

in #steemdev8 years ago

I might be strange, but since HF19 I've stopped self-upvoting on comments/replies, which goes against the pre-HF19 advice.

I want to save my 10 or so daily votes for really good posts...from other people. But then, I'm here for the long haul and am looking for good authors to read over time.


I would love to think that most of Steem would think along those lines, but there'll always be people who want to cash in the money where there's an opportunity. I completely understand them too, and would never accuse them of any wrongdoing. Blame the system.

My strategy is different, I keep voting everything good I find at usual voting strengths and as a result my voting power is down to 5%. So even if I self-upvoted, it would not be worth much. Were I to vote on those posts with 10% strength, I'd save my VP at 80%, and then my self-upvote would be far more powerful. If everyone starts doing this, a significant portion of the reward pool goes towards self-upvotes.

Good point. I agree with you; I don't think everyone should have the same voting strategy as we're all here for our own reasons. I'm planning on holding back on votes for a couple of days except for stuff I really like so I can build my strength back up to have a greater impact - not that even my 100% vote counts for that much!

Directly on code, do you think self-votes and vote collusion should have reduced rewards? That is, constantly voting for the same user has decreasing rewards, or something along those lines.