"It certainly does not to apply to at least 90% of new users."
But, I'm pretty sure 90% of new users know how to make a second account. In fact, I reckon 100% of them do, and I bet they can even click the transfer button too, or run a delegation script... rendering any self-voting witch hunt completely pointless.
How do you plan to address users simply creating another account?
why would it matter if users create a second account? are u worried that Bitcoin users create second bitcoin wallets?!?!?!
You can just make money upvoting your own posts froom more and more new accounts!
The new accounts barely give u a dollar of ffree steempower, so evenif u created 100 new accounts you could only give yourself a few CENTS at most per post!
What dont you minnos understand aboit steempower?
why do u all think this is reddit or youtube where u can create upvote bots and View bot This isnt redit or youtube, this is a blockchain
in ordder to get upvotes that earn u any money, the acouunts upvoting must have a good amount of steempower! And why would u disperse all ur steempower between 1000 new accounts when u can keep it all in ONE account and just upvote your ownposts with THAT mainacount which would give u tne same result AND save u time!??!
dont u see? dont u see?!?!?! cant u see how this alll works!?!?! u ccant cheat on steemiT! u CANT!
I feel like you totally missed the point here. The topic is making a bot to flag people who self-vote. This will never work because anyone can make a second account and just vote themselves from that account instead. Or, they can trade votes with someone else with similar Steem Power.
All this would do is make people create vote trading circles, or make people power down, transfer to another account so they aren't "technically" self-voting, then vote themselves up with their sock puppet.
The rest of your post is off topic.