I've been working to improve the developer experience for Steemex and this release does exactly that. I had to introduce some breaking changes but it was worth it. Stage.Blocks, Stage.RawOps and Statge.MungedOps GenStage producers now emit events with the following shape : %Steem.Event{data: ..., metadata: ...}` where data is a new Steem blockchain operation struct (or a map) and metadata includes timestamp, block height, source blockchain, type and if the operation data was munged.
All event producers follow GenStage spec which allows you to easily patch into the transformation pipeline at any step: block producer, ops producer or munged ops producer.
Repos and docs
- breaking: event shape for GenStage pipeline changed from tuple to %Steemex.Event{} struct
- breaking: all API responses are now structs or atom keyed maps
- all stages now emit %Steemex.Event{data: ..., metadata: ...}
- added Steemex.Block struct
- added Steemex.Event struct
- Steemex.Stages.Ops.ProducerConsumer renamed to Steemex.Stages.RawOps
- Steemex.Stages.StructuredOps.ProducerConsumer renamed to Steemex.Stages.MungedOps
- timestamp strings are now parsed into NaiveDateTime
- example consumer was updated to match a new shape of events
- multiple various code improvements
A GenStage consumer example
defmodule Steemex.Stage.ExampleConsumer do
use GenStage
alias Steemex.MungedOps
require Logger
def start_link(args, options \\ []) do
GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, args, options)
def init(state) do
Logger.info("Example consumer is initializing...")
{:consumer, state, subscribe_to: state[:subscribe_to]}
def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
for op <- events do
{:noreply, [], state}
def process_event(%{data: %MungedOps.Reblog{} = data, metadata: %{height: h, timestamp: t} = metadata}) do
Logger.info """
New reblog:
#{inspect data}
with metadata
#{inspect metadata}
def process_event(%{data: data, metadata: %{block_height: h, timestamp: t} = metadata}) do
Logger.info """
New operation:
#{inspect data}
with metadata
#{inspect metadata}
- Add latest blockchain ops
- Add more structured ops and transformations
- Add transaction broadcast
About Elixir
Elixir is a functional programming language with superior concurrency primitives, distributed computation and fault tolerance capabilities based on Erlang/OTP.
Personally, I am really happy with my bet on Elixir to build cryptotokens related apps and strongly recommend every developer to try it.
Learning resources:
- ElixirConf Jose Valim Keynote
- ElixirConf 2016 Chris McCord Keynote
- Elixir School
- Elixir Crash Course
Steemit is getting better and better. That's the only thing I understood from this post :)
Jeeeee. At least your hinest. Yes it is so invest everything into steempower because I dont see it going below 2.00 ever again.
Steem, but yes :D
Appreciate your work and helping grow our community.
def process (%{data:awesomoness}
Guys Elixir is programing language from what i understood. The writter is talking about how it is easy to use and is helpful for creating token apps. right ?
This one is interesting and have something great information
Thank You for sharing
And serving steemit community
Thank you for sharing
"I've been working to improve the developer experience for Steemex and this release does exactly that."
How long did that working last to get the release through?
Might look an eye on the mobiel app too ? ;)
This is a library for developers, not a user facing app though :)
great info! thanks for sharing
Thanks to everyone who work to improve the Steemit experience.
Great blog! Check out my new post @the.dajboz follow me! :)
Wow, thats a good news i think
I apologize for my blockchain-programming ignorance, my 2 basic questions are:
Like I said I do truly apologize if the above is unrelated, but perhaps your programming buddies are looking into these issues and you could discuss it as a seamless fit or transition.
Thanks for sharing and thank you for being here!
Steemit just keeps improving !