I fully agree with you. That is why I tell users to install the source from github, which won't get updated automatically.
Please remember that my audit is worthless if you keep auto update on. Be sure to install from source to be extra safe.
I fully agree with you. That is why I tell users to install the source from github, which won't get updated automatically.
Please remember that my audit is worthless if you keep auto update on. Be sure to install from source to be extra safe.
What about just disabling the update from the addon? That's what I did and I didn't downloaded the update automatically. Could this be bypass or are people disabling the update safe from malicious update?
That will work too. I know Firefox allows this but Chrome only allows all or no auto updates.
Indeed, you should add it to a "safety" section, in your post ;)
I did :) @armandocat controls the post :)