Fantastic I love Rpi. I have ordered a Orange pi and will install and test as soon as I get it. I hope to have it as the base of my off grid and bee managment system.
Fantastic I love Rpi. I have ordered a Orange pi and will install and test as soon as I get it. I hope to have it as the base of my off grid and bee managment system.
Thanks for your reply and lighting up the LED, Interesting reply and would love to hear your feedback, Which orange pi model did you order?
Bee's need automated management ?
No Problem I always take the time to up vote articles and comments that I have and interest in. I do the same for well done articles that promote a sustainable planet.
I actually have 2 on order Orange Pi Zero H2 Quad Core Open-source and a Orange Pi Zero PC Compatible Android 512MB H2 WiFi with Expansion Board and Case.
There will be lots going on in this project. well actually 3 main ones. beehive monitoring. Solar tracker, charge controller and power monitoring system.
Love the combination of Perl programing, electronic design and hardware manufacturing.
I just got the Orange pis in but have not been able to get them to boot up. I have tried several distro from the orange site but noe worked. I will get a few new cards and try again.