The Teleports project now have it's own website on it the Teleports project is explained and the released Teleports apps will be showcased and made available for download here.
The first Teleports app, Drugwars is added, and can now be downloaded from the website.
Games and Tools section
The Teleports apps are presented into two sections "Games", and "Tools".
External links
Links to the related platforms: Fundition, Steemit, Steem and Steem account creations.
Animated landing page
To give the website a more dynamic and unique feeling, and make it further in line with the Teleports theme, the left side of the website / landing page have a animated light effect.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is used to get insight into the popularity of the project and the individually released apps.
The website is mobile compatible, and when pressing the more apps button, in the app splashscreen it will take you to the website, and present the project details and other downloadable Teleports apps. Ready to try and download from within the app.
The next app to teleport is Magicdice, the most popular gambling dapp on the Steem blockchain.
When will this be available for iOS?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you for you comment and request,
For iOS versions of the apps, it would need to be looked into, i'm not a Apple fan, and as far as i know developing this kind of apps for iOS, requires ("of cour$e...") a initial investment to be able to release them for Apple. Which push me back from developing for it, and in general from the products. This information could be somewhat outdated and maybe there are alternative approaches for it, and if there is much demand for, i will want to look into it.
K would really appreciate and IOS app
Me too =)
Made a little poll to get a sense...
My inclination is that there are a lot more Android users on STEEM than iOS ones... but I might be wrong.
I guess from the dpoll crowd you have 2x times more iOS users interested... than Android users... =)
Mi want too! =) We need a developer like this one for iOS!
Hello! @techtek I just love your projects, what an effort. I always wanted this, now it will be much fun to play @drugwars and other steem dapps on android. 🎉🎈
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much, and happy to read you like the projects, and see the efforts. if you want to help me, please let me know your testing results, what you like and dont like, and consider sharing the post.
Thank you for your comment.
Haven't heard of this project before, seems really interesting.
I tried to download the Drugwars app from your website, but it didn't work. Any idea why?
Edit: It didn't work when I tried to download with Chrome, but it worked with the Via browser.
Hi, thank you for your comment and letting me know the download issue, i am trying to replicate it but so far am not able to, but i see you have been able to download. but is still want to have it fixed.
Alternative could have been to try press and hold the download button / link, it should give a menu that give the option "download file".
I just tried again and now it works in Chrome too. Not sure why it didn't work before.
Anyway, great work, I like the app!
One suggestion I have is, that you somehow change the resources bar. Maybe make the numbers a little bit bigger.
Also I can scroll horizontally, which is a little bit strange.
But as I said, great work!
Posted using Partiko Android
Downloaded. Black theme is awesome
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for your feedback, and happy to hear you like the Teleports theme.
Thank you ! Steem needs this! Eos and tron have had something similar for a minute but not looking as good as this and without the DL capability! Good work!
Thank you for your comment, and good to hear you like the project, and how it looks.
Look forward to it. Drugwars is the platform I enjoy very much. Wish it becomes the best Game in the year 2019. Hats off to you guys.
It certainly looks very interesting I will be checking it out once I am logged in on my PC.
Thank you, let me know if you have feedback or suggestions.
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Oh this is dope, maybe room for #hashkings in your dapp section?
Hi, just checked the project, and maybe can add it yes, find me on Discord and let me know the future developments.
I can't download DW
Hi, Did you look in the Android pull down notifications menu. and did you try to press and hold the download button, this should open the options menu, where you can press "download".
I can push the download button, it just that nothing happens..
Posted using Partiko Android
After clicking on download, the github loads but goes back to teleports homepage
Hi thank you for your comment,
If i go to the website and press the download button on the DrugWars article, and use the default Samsung browser it gives me the download, if i use chrome it also gives me the download.
What browser do you use, alternatively did you try press and hold the button / link, it should give a menu that give the option "download file".
I use chrome
After I click it shows this
Then returns to your homepage. Nothing else.
And if you press and hold, it is working ok right ?
Press and hold gives me this..

ok good, if press "download link", it should work, after that pull down the Android notifications bar, to find the downloaded file.
Nice,, i. Love it.....why. is it. Unofficial though?
Thanks to you upvote me
Posted using Partiko Android
Testing blinkit