27 users played 7153 games, 5805 using SBD and 1348 with STEEM.
The most active user played 3131 games, the median one 52.
2564.624 STEEM (2531.295 SBD) have been used to play, with an average bet of 1.903 STEEM (0.436 SBD) and a median bet of 0.2 STEEM (0.1 SBD). The highest bet amount was 75.0 STEEM (24.3 SBD)
The average chance in a game was 38.41%, the median 44.0%. 2807 games were won, 4312 lost and 37 rejected.
Average winning payout was 3.765 STEEM (1.203 SBD), the highest win paid out 99.992 STEEM (25.0 SBD).
The bank made a profit of -69.209 STEEM (-28.546 SBD), expected from the house edge were 25.646 STEEM (25.313 SBD)
Visit https://steemdice.net to play!
Warning: gambling can be addictive. Only play with surplus Steem or SBD!
Follow @steemdice1 for daily reports!
We must encourage our friends and families to also break free from the chains and embrace crypto. I have gotten a good handful of people into crypto since i started investing in it... Every new person must be getting at least 3 or 4 new people in!! Really exciting to think about the coming growth. It wont be stopped.
Steem poker would be dope
Thx for sharing
i like post
Cool concept. I also run a steemit lotto, maybe we can partner up on a project in the future. Check out my latest.
Great post of quality information bro, indeed helpful. Kudos