19 users played 1570 games, 1185 using SBD and 385 with STEEM.
The most active user played 530 games, the median one 33.
211.176 STEEM (2600.917 SBD) have been used to play, with an average bet of 0.549 STEEM (2.195 SBD) and a median bet of 0.201 STEEM (1.0 SBD). The highest bet amount was 7.744 STEEM (20.063 SBD)
The average chance in a game was 55.32%, the median 50%. 856 games were won, 670 lost and 44 rejected.
Average winning payout was 1.085 STEEM (3.936 SBD), the highest win paid out 23.715 STEEM (25.0 SBD).
The bank made a profit of -6.329 STEEM (-22.985 SBD), expected from the house edge were 4.224 STEEM (52.018 SBD)
Visit https://steemdice.net to play!
Warning: gambling can be addictive. Only play with surplus Steem or SBD!
Follow @steemdice1 for daily reports!
Re Steemed.
Wow good