28 users played 2259 games, 516 using SBD and 1743 with STEEM.
The most active user played 694 games, the median one 14.5.
2105.857 STEEM (560.212 SBD) have been used to play, with an average bet of 1.208 STEEM (1.086 SBD) and a median bet of 0.5 STEEM (0.3 SBD). The highest bet amount was 53.555 STEEM (19.2 SBD)
The average chance in a game was 60.78%, the median 50%. 1346 games were won, 900 lost and 13 rejected.
Average winning payout was 1.857 STEEM (2.078 SBD), the highest win paid out 53.454 STEEM (23.229 SBD).
The bank made a profit of 86.93 STEEM (21.439 SBD), expected from the house edge were 42.117 STEEM (11.204 SBD)
Visit https://steemdice.net to play!
Warning: gambling can be addictive. Only play with surplus Steem or SBD!
Follow @steemdice1 for daily reports!
@steemdice1 - Why does using the "SteemDice" app that you gratefully created continually deplete my bandwidth to the point that I can only play a few bets (5-20) typically before I get an error code saying I do not have enough bandwidth - I've tried to look up how it is determined and why it gets depleted but I have found no real answers yet..
Would you be willing to explain how I can bypass this hurdle -
I was told by another user that SP increases bandwidth and to try and build up my SP -
Unfortunately I don't have 10,000 SP lying around to add to my account -
Everything else on the web has only shown bandwidth is determined by Wifi strength or internet connection - I've tried on various devices and various wifi signals abd still can not enjoy the great game you designed -
Please advise because I'm sure other Minnows are having he same issues and ultimately it is costing the app profits by not allowing people to play -
Thanks for your anticipated help
Other blockchains require users to pay a fee for every transaction to restrict spam. Steem doesn't have fees, but a quota depending on the users Steem Power. The the amount of actions you can execute on the steem blockchain is limited by your Steem Power.
Your bandwidth goes down with every action, and recovers over time. It's directly proportional to your Steem Power. Doubling it roughly doubles the amount of games you can play.
My estimate is that it's currently possible to play ~10 games per day per SP, when the account doesn't do much else (posting, voting)
@steemdice1 - Thanks so much for the explanation about how the bandwith works and about how much bandwith a user is allowed based in the users SP. Very good to know - I sort of had an idea about it being consumed by actions on the STEEMIT block chain however I suppose I overlooked the fact that steemdice.net is actually on GitHub and did not realize that even on GitHub it is still acting on the Blockchain. Once again much thanks for taking the test to respond to me.
Also - Thanks so much for the random acts of upvotes for the reply to my original comment :) That was certainly a pleasant surprise :)
Good Luck!This post was resteemed by @resteembot!
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