Old boats similar to this are CHEAP.
I mean..really cheap.
Free in many cases.
The most expensive part is the motor.
Love your video. Again. But that singing was so out of tune I had to mute it. LOL
Get the fishing poles out and then you are talking : )
I just love being on the lake fishing and relaxing. Enjoy !
I haz fishing poles.
I intend to do dat.
Steemit is the best!!!
stay tuned
I'm working as hard as I can

Time to get lost on an island and relax with Wilson.
Don't forget the Skipper.
That's cool, but glad you here instead :)
yup...I had two boats already picked out.
both free.
This one complete with motor (busted) and trailer.
or this one
I could (can) have either one or both
for nothing
all I had to do was go
800 mile round trip
and get em.
If they free, I'd still get 'em. Just fuel cost I assume...
license (for the trailer)
and other government stuff
government is a disease.
it just keeps on taking and taking and taking.
it makes an easy thing to do
into a nightmare
Haha - that's governments in general - no matter where in the world you are :D
exactly right.
avoid them if you can.
as much as you can
every chance you get.
Ditto, ditto, ditto...
Haha :D
Steemit will change lives :D
And it has already ;)