Remember To Save Your Posts. Possible Bug In Steemit's Software!

in #steememe8 years ago (edited)

After spending several hours writing a lengthy post, I went to add a picture by clicking "selecting them" (That newish feature where you can select photos from your computer). It added the photo, but deleted EVERYTHING else.

Don't forget to save your work!


You're absolutely right!

Once I was commenting in some post and when I hit the POST button, my whole comment was gone and some fairly interesting numbers and characters appeared as my "comment".

It was looking nice but my comment was more interesting though;)

I had to write it again...

Now, if i do any lengthy post or comment, I do it offline in a markdown editor.

Thanks for sharing



I'm feeling itchy. bugs. shudders

It's the worst feeling!

Whoa. Good to know. I do a lot of final draft editing right on the website. Thanks

Man, that is a killer. I just started copying mine over to a notepad as I go this past week. I got real nervous after hearing about someone else losing their work. That sucks! Maybe it wasn't that good of one anyway? Lol, just trying to give you a silver lining perhaps haha.

Did you try ctrl-z? undo?

The Steemit program will place the picture where the cursor is. It will replace the highlighted text with the image.

Since I take a long time to craft a post, I do so in a text editor which I then copy into steemit.

Yeah, unfortunately that didn't get it back for me. I'm confident there was no highlighted text when I added the picture.

I am glad you tried. That info helps greatly in tracking down the problem.

I will keep an eye on any future happenings and record it.
The one peculiarity I have had is putting in a picture and leaving it sit for a couple days, then had a problem pushing the post.

I used that new feature yesterday when I posted from my phone. It worked fine. Actually, I added the photos then I filled in the post. I wonder if that made the difference.

I've used it quite a few times without a problem; I don't know why it deleted everything today. Another user pointed out that it replaces all the highlighted text with the picture. But I'm confident there was nothing highlighted.

hmmm. seems saving first is the way to go then. thanks @shenanigator :-)

Oh man. I would be furious. I am sorry to hear that. I have used this feature few times but have not experienced it yet. I will be careful now. Thanks for the warning.

It's a terrible feeling! I'll write it tomorrow, and since I've written it before, I'll probably be able to do it much more quickly than today. That's the bright side of things.

I've used that feature quite a few times without a problem...until today.

was that by mobile, desktop, or by app?

I just started out a few days ago and I'm still learning by the minute.
But unfortunatly with my second post I learned it the hard way because I didn't save my work.

It is good to have back-up all the time

Yeah, it is. I usually save my posts but forgot to this time.

Thanks for that post shenanigator, at least we know how's system goes for now

Thanks for this tip

ctrl-z works fine

Maybe it's because I clicked out of the window before trying, but ctrl-z didn't bring my post back.

Haha that's so heartbreaking!

Methinks some of these comments are a bit self-righteous. 🤔 Knowing you didn't fall off the wagon yesterday, you obviously tried Ctrl+Z and other common troubleshooting tricks.